[NFB-Utah] May At Large Chapter Meeting

Nfb Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Mon May 7 01:52:34 UTC 2018

Hello fellow Federationists,

Please join us for our first meeting of the At Large chapter to be held via
conference call on Wednesday, May 9th at 7:30 PM. This chapter is designed
to help connect our members from around the state who live in areas without
a local chapter. We are excited to bring people together who sometimes we
only have the chance to see at our state conventions, as well as to reach
new members in our vast state. The agenda includes a report about state
convention, information regarding local and national level upcoming events,
and a discussion about the purpose of this new chapter.

Conference call information:
Dial-in number: 877-394-5901
Access code: NFBUTAH (6328824)

Feel free to contact me with any questions. Hope to see you there.

Jennifer M. Kennedy, MA, NOMCT
National Federation of the Blind of Utah
Phone: 330-465-6245
Email: msjenniferkennedy at gmail.com

 National Federation of the Blind of Utah
Hotline 801-info-nfb (801-632-6632)
follow us on twitter @nfbutah
follow us on Facebook nfbu


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