[NFB-Utah] Weber/Davis July chapter meeting

Nfb of Utah nfbutah at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 03:18:15 UTC 2019

Hello Federationists of Utah,


the Weber/Davis chapter is holding their annual End of July Farmers Market- Fars Ice-cream chapter meeting. It will be on Saturday July 27 from 11 to 1. The Farmers Market is between the East side of Wall Ave. and the west side of Washington BLVD on 25th street in Ogden Utah. 

Please come for 1 or both activities. It may be heating up at 11 so come for some or all, but we will meet at noon at Fars for sure.    


Transportation options 

The Farmington Northbound train leaves at 10:23 a.m.  

Arrives at Layton 10:32 A.m. 

Arrives at Clearfield 10:37 A.m. 

Arrives at Roy 10:46 A.m. 

Arrives Ogden 10:54 a.m.  

Bus 603 leaves Ogden at 11:14 and arrives 11:18 at the South East corner of Grant and 26th street if you do not want to walk from Front Runner 2 blocks 


One option if you do not want to walk to Fars is:

The 470 bus picks up at  2466 Washington  BLVD at 11:31 or 12:06, on the East side of the road heading north.  

And  will drop off  at 22nd and grant. 

Fars address is 286 Grant Ave. Ogden Utah  


Can’t wait to see you all there

Let’s live the life we want Blindness is not what holds us back 


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