[NFB-Utah] March At Large chapter, Convention Door Prizes and 2019 BELL) Academy
Nfb of Utah
nfbutah at gmail.com
Sat Mar 9 05:29:26 UTC 2019
Please join us on Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 PM via conference call for our
monthly NFB of Utah At Large chapter meeting. We will have lots to discuss
regarding both state and national convention, including plans for our
in-person meeting at the state convention.
More details to come!
The line will open at 7:15 PM, and begin promptly at 7:30 PM Mountain
Standard time.
To join the meeting, please call:
Access code: NFBUtah (632-8824)
Jennifer Kennedy
Fellow Federationists,
We in the NFB of Utah love to give away door prizes almost as much as we
love the excitement of the annual auction luncheon held on Saturday during
our conventions. In order to meet both demands, we need your help in
collecting donations from across the state. Thank you to those who have
already been out talking to friends and business owners in your areas .
As you collect these treasures, please email either me at
msjenniferkennedy at gmail.com or Daniel Ashman at djashman2007 at gmail.com with
a description of what the donation is, and who sponsored the item. The
auction and door prize committee works hard to give each contribution a
great description, but it takes time to do this before the convention
weekend begins. Please note chapter presidents typically are responsible for
submitting chapter basket information. If your submission falls into this,
be sure you have already spoken with your chapter president. If you have
been asked specifically by a business to use the donation as an auction
item, please indicate this in your description.
Thanks for all you do,
Jennifer Kennedy
2019 Braille Education for Literacy and Learning (BELL) Academy
When: June 10 - June 21
Time: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Where: USDB SLC campus 1655 E 3300 S Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Who: Blind and low vision children from ages 4 to 12
Cost: This program is provided free of charge.
The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Braille Enrichment for Literacy
and Learning (BELL) Academy helps blind and low-vision children, ages four
through twelve, develop the literacy skills that will empower them to
achieve their academic goals and live the life they want. In addition to
Braille instruction, the program provides instruction in other nonvisual
blindness skills through fun, hands-on learning.
To learn more about the NFB BELL Academy please contact:
Wendy Bybee, Director
Phone: 801-967-1113 or 801-910-2542
E-mail: wkbybee at gmail.com
To register go to:
After completing the application the page should automatically take you to
the permission form; however, if this does not work properly applicants will
need to submit their registration form and permission form independently.
The permission form can be submitted via
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