[NFB-Utah] Utah Valley Chapter Meeting for January

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 00:47:37 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone,


I look forward to our first meeting of the year!

When: January 22, 6pm-8pm

Where:  Orem Public Library

During this months meeting we will be holding our Board Elections. All positions are one year terms. 

We will also be going over items in regards to State Convention and Auction Items.

I want us to start the year off strong. You know really get our heads in the game this year!!! So why not start with a game night!!! 

Please bring one or two of your favorite games for all of us to enjoy. 

Snacks and Prizes, we have been allowed to have snacks right out side our meeting room, I could make some snacks to share and bring one or two small door prizes. I kindly ask that you all help me out with this. If we could all bring one small prize I think we would be golden!



1. Introductions and Chapter Dues.

Please have you $2.00 ready as we do not have a card reader.

2. Presidential Release.

3. State and National Updates

-Washington Seminar Monday February 10 through Thursday February 13, 2020.

-Chapter Basket Items

4. Elections

5. Game Night.

6. Adjourned



Laura Vincent

President, Utah Valley Chapter




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