[NFB-Utah] UVC Chapter and Salt Lake Chapter meetings

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 01:36:37 UTC 2020

This is an invitation to two chapter meetings this week:


The air is cold, and there are leaves on the ground.

But its time for our  November Chapter meeting.

So there's no need to frown.

We hope you can join us, no matter your town!


Hello Everyone! 

You are all invited to the Utah Valley Chapter Meeting., Wednesday November 18 at 7 pm on our NFB Zoom Line.


1. Welcome!

2. Ice Breaker

3. State and National Announcements

4. We Need Your FeedBack

5. Inspirational Poem

6. Door Prize

7. Adjourn 



We look forward to seeing you there. 


Laura Vincent

(801) 602-5638

Utah Valley Chapter President

See the bottom of the message for how to join the meeting 


Fellow Federationists and Friends of the NFB of Utah (Salt Lake Chapter),

Hope all of you are doing well during these uncertain times.

Please note this month’s virtual meeting will be held on the third Saturday
of the month (November 21) instead of the fourth Saturday  of the month due
to the Thanksgiving holiday.

This month we are trying something new.  You will have a chance to win a
$25 gift card during the chapter meeting.  All you need to do is answer a
specific question during the meeting about information that was announced in
the November Presidential release by Mark Riccobono.  The first one to
answer the question will win the prize.  If you have not had a chance to
listen to November’s release, here is the link:


Chapter Zoom Meeting information and agenda below.

When: Saturday November 21, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
 Location: From  your home using the Zoom meeting platform, you can
download the Zoom app on your phone or your desktop. Or you can simply get
the one touch number below and it will dial you straight in. Below is how to

To Join NFB of Utah Zoom meetings:

Meeting ID: 806-113-6194.

One tap mobile



*       Welcome and introductions.
*       National Federation of the Blind Presidential release summary by
Mark Turley.
*       Utah Affiliate Report by Everette Bacon.
*       Chapter report and business by Ken Duke.
*       Corey Noyes Who is a financial planner for Edward and Jones
investments will join us and give ideas how to save and invest in your
*       Video about our NFB Independence Market and all of the items
available at the National Center.
*       Technology corner.  Learn about a new APP call Super Sense.  Click
on link to learn more about the product: https://www.supersense.app/
*       Having Fun with Football trivia by Ned Lindholm.
*              Adjourn

Follow us for events, announcements, and fun at:

Facebook:  <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Salt Lake Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Utah

 <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> @saltlakechapte <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Twitter handle: @nfbutah_slc <https://www.facebook.com/saltlakechapter/> Instagram: nfbuslchapter

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