[NFB-Utah] NFBU Red Rocks Chapter Mtg Agenda
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nfbutah at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 14:46:35 UTC 2021
Good evening All! Passing along the agenda from Helen for May 4th meeting. :)
Sonja Schaefermeyer
NFBU Red Rocks Chapter Meeting
May 4, 2021 at 1:00 PM
Hello Fellow Federation Members and Friends,
I'm happy to report that Everette Bacon, president of the NFBU, will be attending our meeting in person. We look forward to hearing from him. We plan to provide lunch if the Chamber allows.
We are pleased to announce that we will have two methods for attending Tuesday’s chapter meeting. We strongly encourage all who can come in person to do so. We are having the meeting in a much larger room at the Chamber of Commerce, located at 136 N 100 E, St. George, UT. This is the building just before RRCI on the South side. There is a door on the side of the building and parking in the back. Please arrive at least 20 minutes early in case you need help finding this space. Social distancing will be simplified because of the size of the room. Please join us if you can!
We will also have a virtual component via ZOOM.
To Join the Red Rocks NFBU meeting using Zoom:
<https://zoom.us/j/8061136194> https://zoom.us/j/8061136194
meeting ID: 806-113-6194.
One tap mobile: +17207072699,,,8061136194#
Meeting ID: 806-113-6194
Greetings and Introductions: Helen Eckman
Treasurer’s Report: Cynthia Young
Chapter meetings for June and July may be canceled due to state and national conventions.
State Convention: June 3-6, Sheraton Hotel, Downtown, Salt Lake City
For details on the convention and to register, please go to nfbutah.org or click at the following link: https://www.nfbutah.org/hybrid-2021-utah-affiliate-convention/.
President Report on Convention: Everette Bacon
We will meet in person at the SLC Sheraton Hotel located at:
150 West 500 South in downtown Salt Lake City! Participants are also welcome to join us on ZOOM.
Transportation, best explained by Vern Jensen.
Here is the proposed schedule for the RRCI bus we will be using to attend the state NFBU convention June 3-6, 2021.
2021 Hybrid convention, Utah state affiliate
Thursday June 3, Leaving RRCI, 168 N 100 E, St George at 12:00, Noon. Leaving Cedar City at 1 PM and arriving Salt Lake City Downtown Sheraton by 5 or 6 PM. (There will be a dinner Meet and Greet activity on Thursday at the hotel.
Sunday, June 6, Leaving Salt Lake City Sheraton, Downtown: Time to be determined by travelers returning on the bus, possibly 8:00 or 9:00 AM with a drop-off stops in Cedar City and St George.
Times for return stops in Cedar City and St George may vary depending on time of departure, intermediate stops and traffic conditions. Travelers can call their rides half an hour or so before reaching each destination on the way to St George.
One stop will be made going each direction for food, rest and to get gas. Additional brief stops may be added as necessary.
Assistive Technology Segment: Vern Jensen and Valentino Jaurigue
Special Presentation: Everette Bacon and Karl Smith, of Axis Technologies, will be present to show some new technology that we will be able to examine hands-on.
Respectfully Submitted,
Helen Eckman, President Red Rocks NFBU
907-631-2707, call or text
Heleneckman11 at yahoo.com <mailto:Heleneckman11 at yahoo.com>
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