[NFB-Utah] 2021 NFB Scholarships | National Federation of the Blind of Utah

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 05:49:58 UTC 2021

Hello friends and colleagues, 

This year the National Federation of the Blind of Utah is proud to once
again give college students the opportunity to apply for scholarships. In
order to be eligible for a scholarship, the applicant must be attending a
college or university in the fall of 2021 and they must be legally blind. 
The link for the application for both the national scholarships as well as
the scholarships for Utah is:
The deadline to apply for a national scholarship with the National
Federation of the Blind is March 31 and the deadline to apply for a NFBU
scholarship is April 30. 
Please feel free to distribute this email to anyone who might be interested
in applying. If there are any questions please don't hesitate to call Marnie
West at 
You can also send an email to: 
iammarn at yahoo.com <mailto:iammarn at yahoo.com> 
Thank you and we look forward to your applications! 

Kind regards, 

Marnie West

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