[NFB-Utah] June Chapter Meeting UVC

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 00:30:00 UTC 2022

Hello Federation Family,
I want to invite you all to  our June Chapter meeting. Our Board and I agreed that this month would be best if we held our meeting over Zoom since I tested positive for Covid. Our meeting will start at 6 pm. I will ad the agenda below. In our Federation we do what we can to help one another. With that being said, I come to you sharing sad news. Our dear friend Helen's home caught fire Monday night. Her and her mother were out of town and were not harmed.  Luckily her brother was able to make it out okay.

Helen's mom is recovering from breast and spine cancer. Helen herself has several neurological diseases which are chronic and severe. Her brother is recovering from congestive heart failure which has been complicated by COPD and several pulmonary embolisms. they take care of each other and do a really good job but with the loss of their home and car, they find themselves at a financial disadvantage.

Helen does a great job in helping our community as the Red Rocks Chapter president , as a friend, and a great mentor. We love Helen and her family. We understand this is hard on Helen and her family so we ask if you are able to make any donations please Venmo Helen at @hmeckman or click on the link below.

 <https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3421581325893632032 <https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3421581325893632032&created=1654893456&fbclid=IwAR0KTMiHoJ-nLgosPCRJbspBVyGfNaXCNGAqaMm-rRmfJsZvFtQebem8xVs> &created=1654893456&fbclid=IwAR0KTMiHoJ-nLgosPCRJbspBVyGfNaXCNGAqaMm-rRmfJsZvFtQebem8xVs> https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3421581325893632032...

Sending the Eckman family all the love and support during these hard times.


1. Welcome

2. Introductions and Ice breaker.

3. National and State update.

4. Presidential Release.

5. Chapter Barbeque Planning. 

6. A Journey to New England- Renee Pavlus

7. adjourned. 

Or call 
+1 (720) 707-2699,,,8061136194#,#



Laura Vincent

(801) 602-5638

National Federation of the Blind of Utah

Utah Valley Chapter President

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