[NFB-Utah] BELL Academy 2022

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 04:00:36 UTC 2022

Hello Utah Parents and Teachers, 


Utah will again be hosting the NFB BELL Academy in-home addition this summer, and it’s time to apply! 


What is BELL?

The NFB BELL Academy provides children with Braille and nonvisual skills instruction through fun, hands-on learning activities. The NFB BELL Academy—which stands for National Federation of the Blind Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning

Who is it for? 

NFB BELL Academy is appropriate for blind and low-vision children, ages 4-12, who:

*	Do not receive enough Braille and nonvisual skills instruction in school
*	Could benefit from more Braille exposure over the summer
*	Would enjoy connecting with blind role models

The program will take place July 18 through August 5, 2022 using the Zoom web-conferencing platform. 


 There are options to enroll each student into beginner, intermediate, or advanced skill groups. There will also be a social hour held each day. 


Applications are due by June 1, 2022! 


Please use the link to apply: https://nfb.org/programs-services/nfb-bell-academy/nfb-bell-academy-home-edition

If you have any additional questions please email Katie Chevalier at katiechevalier88 at gmail.com <mailto:katiechevalier88 at gmail.com>  or 

call/text (435) 237-7178 



Katie Chevalier 

Director, NFB BELL Academy 


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