[NFB-Utah] Finding our Fit in the movement NFBU convention

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Wed Apr 12 03:18:01 UTC 2023

Hello Federationists,

Just a couple last minute things to think about. 

If you have questions about door prizes please contact Danielle Frampton 

If you would like to eat at this convention and have not registered yet,
please register no later then Saturday April 15, We need to get a final
count for the Provo Marriott Hotel and Conference Center 

Please contact Stephanie Cordova Auction Chair about the baskets 
scordova63 at hotmail.com 

on Friday evening after the Ice Cream social there will 
be a   jam session to get  you warmed up for after the banquet  

At the conclusion of the banquet Saturday, please stick around for an
informal musical jam session. Bring your voice, your instrument, or just
yourself and your friends and let's end an amazing Federation weekend by
making music together.

If there are any questions please feel free to leave a message on the NFB of
Utah hotline
Or check on the website 

National Federation of the blind of Utah 

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