[NFB-Utah] February 7th Agenda for Red Rocks NFB

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 18:32:48 UTC 2023

Dear Red Rocks NFB members, and friends,


Please join us for our meeting on February 7. 


The Zoom connection will begin at 12 o’clock for our technology meeting and will continue through the end of our NFB meeting at 2:00.


Cookie Exchange

For those who wish to participate we will be having a cookie/favorite snack exchange at this meeting. Please bring about a dozen of your favorite cookies and send the recipe to Helen so that she can send it to others. There will be some extras to take home.


 To Join the Red Rocks NFBU meeting using Zoom:

meeting ID: 806-113-6194.

One tap mobile: +17207072699,,,8061136194#

Meeting ID: 806-113-6194.


Feb 7, 2023




Treasurers report


National report


State report


State convention: April 20-23:

*	Who plans to attend?
*	Transportation
*	Check nfbutah.org for information on hotel accommodations and registration


*	President
*	secretary
*	1 board member

Fundraising plans


March 7 meeting




Happy Valentines wishes to all! 💜 

Helen Eckman, president

Red Rocks NFBU




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