[NFB-Utah] Congratulations to our 2023 scholarship class

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Fri May 12 04:26:24 UTC 2023

Special congratulations to Zachary Ledford. Scholarship finalist from Utah!

Everette Bacon, President

National Federation of the blind of Utah


801 Dash 631 Dash 8108


“ you can live the life you want, blindness does not hold you back!”

Begin forwarded message:

From: National Federation of the Blind <webmaster at nfb.org>
Date: May 12, 2023 at 12:03:20 AM GMT+2
To: Everette Bacon <baconev at yahoo.com>
Subject: Congratulations to our 2023 scholarship class
Reply-To: Bounces+r.21147.8600437.f757272358874af9 at mailings.nfb.org




Celebrate Outstanding Blind Students

Baltimore, Maryland (May 11, 2023): The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), the transformative membership organization of blind Americans, today announced the finalists for its annual scholarship program, which provides financial assistance and connects students with blind mentors and other resources. The thirty scholarship finalists are listed below in alphabetical order with their home states or territories and vocational goals. Congratulations to these outstanding finalists:

*	Skylar Adad, California, Leadership Development
*	Mickayla Biddle, New Mexico, Teacher of Blind Students
*	Theresa Mendez-Booze, Oklahoma, International Health Advocate for Physical Activity and Disability
*	Felecia Bradford, Michigan, Social Work Technician
*	Noah Carver, Maine, Classically Trained Vocalist
*	Sara Folsom, Georgia, Biology
*	Mitchell Francis Ford, Virginia, Attorney
*	Jack Freeburg, South Dakota, Capital Compound Expert
*	Justin Harford, Oregon, Accountant
*	Ellen Harper, Michigan, Public Policy Attorney specializing in Disability Rights
*	Dan Hlavinka, Colorado, Social Work (End of Life Care)
*	Roshunda Holt, Kansas, Operations Business Management
*	Tyler Hoppe, Maryland, Attorney and U.S Legislator
*	Marco Hurtado, Texas, Software Development
*	Joanne Kim, Pennsylvania, Environmental Protection
*	Trisha Kulkarni, Ohio, Educational Technology
*	Zachary Ledford, Utah, Sports Medicine
*	Maura Loberg, Nebraska, Mental Health Counselor
*	Nina Marranca, New York, Clinical Psychologist
*	Zach McLean, Washington, Sports and Leadership Management
*	Ryan Menter, Maine, Lawyer
*	Ernest Emmanuel Peeples, Illinois, Advocate and Actor
*	Eric Rivera Gonzalez, San Juan, Puerto Rico, El Abogado y Defensor (Attorney and Advocate)
*	Ashleigh Rogers, Pennsylvania, Actuarial Science
*	Avery Sallean, North Carolina, Neuroscientist
*	Athena Scopelite, California, Psychologist
*	Ammar Ahmed Tarin, Arizona, Immigration Attorney
*	Tatyana Tolliver-Hughes, West Virginia, Civil Rights Lawyer
*	Kamran Vora, Texas, Medical Doctor; Bioethics Attorney
*	Kahmile Whitby, United States, Autonomous Vehicles Designer

“The scholarship program is one example of how the organized blind movement builds a community of leaders,” said Mark A. Riccobono, President of the National Federation of the Blind. “These finalists represent a broad range of interests and career goals, including the performing arts, the medical profession, autonomous vehicle design, and much more. We are proud to honor these blind scholars, each of whom are raising expectations and expanding possibilities. The accomplishments of these outstanding students are proof that the blind can achieve excellence and live the lives we want, and we will celebrate them as a community at our national convention.”

For more information about the National Federation of the Blind scholarship program, visit https://nfb.org/scholarships <https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2GsfbaNNOVLHr-2FWkjXnhkphEoKyJKG0ciTV5I2-2BzPJTb1L54-3D2LB1_HjqRu2HejoDvoiPAxw3BVvra-2BNCyNNGpFmHhlKQc25zMj8WAbcNv7Rf-2FQYRKDNIuL1uCZax6n0vx0thB8nTvxRzYxYUiA0ZX-2BapycthmSba-2BiZd20wDx7BT6WuXg4G-2FlEXsEPoIQWVP6TSw99LUP5GRfuB3p-2BXPKmhwLCqD-2BRLfujBamsas9tvCjgq-2FYOMiodakpP8h-2BYH0XAEEi-2BTP7ng-3D-3D> .


About the National Federation of the Blind 

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), headquartered in Baltimore, defends the rights of blind people of all ages and provides information and support to families with blind children, older Americans who are losing vision, and more. Founded in 1940, the NFB is the transformative membership and advocacy organization of blind Americans with affiliates, chapters, and divisions in the fifty states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico. We believe in the hopes and dreams of blind people and work together to transform them into reality. Learn more about our many programs and initiatives at nfb.org.


Chris Danielsen
Director of Public Relations
National Federation of the Blind
(410) 659-9314, extension 2330
(410) 262-1281 (Cell)
cdanielsen at nfb.org <https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2Gsfb1CRmj1jKNpYDmLXHZDZZcWAB6-2F6xplo8Njiv4F-2FkUYc-3DZ2Xw_HjqRu2HejoDvoiPAxw3BVvra-2BNCyNNGpFmHhlKQc25zMj8WAbcNv7Rf-2FQYRKDNIuI72sdT7-2FhmX0N-2FfH8JVPDMilGNN4xr1zsnFk4QEkXODWgx5jgQFKogHAzNO-2B4WqgqBXJLnJMw5Frn4h2rUH3cbjt6gJg86jMMJBz4VrRSBj-2FZjU60oSEKO7Of8tXTkrluFf-2BktCbZP9GMa1eP69iOQ-3D-3D> 










National Federation of the Blind | 200 E Wells Street | Baltimore, MD 21230 | 410-659-9314 

 <https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2F4nmCNeCUYVkWIXq0I5-2FbBjgaSSTf-2FzMswBeMdeXwo3Yg6lorTP2oXpxrws8hAdDtlEgk0QkE3WweU7cXpbYbahDo-2B4S0A6Dq0xzx1onDNJA-3D-3D98EJ_HjqRu2HejoDvoiPAxw3BVvra-2BNCyNNGpFmHhlKQc25zMj8WAbcNv7Rf-2FQYRKDNIuvihczdkgBhZAmwohLoisBYdApc2vMpy0vZsu9yls3q-2FCCTzh-2B9cADr9SwYXpGxDQXvOYRUhp7Qie2KU7OZEqXt5k9hsLRkrZiEav5lNyEvbcbZiM4xjK03h-2FaZjJ7oc-2FwFz8lv3byapW0FuMF7t6yg-3D-3D> Unsubscribe |  <https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT9w-2FOIIf8-2Ftiv0e1xWICVyiWaVZWkQ73FNOswJj40zsfQbAiSymlMoE8Xn4O8wjihpfMNTIasBgonMRP-2Fs-2BRVZ7K8Mb-2BdZw7bGICmeou0khWQ-3D-3DcrFb_HjqRu2HejoDvoiPAxw3BVvra-2BNCyNNGpFmHhlKQc25zMj8WAbcNv7Rf-2FQYRKDNIumP9FHGkvkQ1mmnSJ4YwgjBG3r0y3dkozmtoufLm9iVXcqB8juNx7ldNUeb-2F2HuXdrlpt10XCQS3nOdYKduVBcaA5Wq-2FuSgr0tmb1rAeQ2wUVNPZZ8ao4gUwjUq0VVnbX9WrVWofMK-2F0f9BtJOazJYg-3D-3D> Opt Out |   <https://u32452178.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=mTCu8dGvOkl-2BXqaCK8sZ2XZsIV-2FIHwCJ1wu82RzQMT-2BYPFY1W898jzlXsLk2Gsfba98gkShEo1SUidoWZrZoh87UaFWqKjxsbgAg2CfVH8Y-3DCPfP_HjqRu2HejoDvoiPAxw3BVvra-2BNCyNNGpFmHhlKQc25zMj8WAbcNv7Rf-2FQYRKDNIuwyEyH0QzxMZcpOeBQ525IR4EZNawqTak5Q-2BpJwqkB3qDmXG2UR-2BUZfMHchv70W4B0yVtMAZlRkoVRQSaFm8e2udEyItfA2AxS7-2FRFGAyqdmJT9Ay1PGktE3FZRPmOqIziS-2FIbAGLCfD2MgE94AbjRg-3D-3D> Sign Up for Our E-newsletter 

200 East Wells Street
Baltimore, MD 21230
United States


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