[NFB-Utah] Reminder: Upcoming Red Rocks Chapter Meeting

nfbutah at gmail.com nfbutah at gmail.com
Fri May 3 04:14:40 UTC 2024

Hello all!


We have our next Red Rocks chapter meeting next Tuesday,  May 7th at 1pm. We will be talking about plans for our picnic in June, the Bee's game, National Convention, and more!


Our chapter meeting follows the RRCI monthly technology meeting. 


We look forward to seeing you at RRCI and on Zoom here: 




Find our agenda below the signature.


See you all soon!

Meg Swanson

Red Rocks Chapter Secretary

NFB of Utah






1.	Roll for Board
2.	Approve last 2 months’ minutes - 8 minutes
3.	Welcome/ introductions - 10 minutes
4.	Treasurer's Report
5.	Presidential release  25 minutes
6.	Upcoming events:

a.    National Convention: 10 minutes

b.    Bees game

c.     June 1 plans: food,  time,  activities,  etc. 

7.	Next meeting: June 1 @ St. George Library for a picnic

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