2021 National Federation of the Blind of Utah Annual Convention 4 BRIGHTENING OUR FUTURE BY BUILDING THE NFB OF UTAH June 3-5, 2021 Sheraton Salt Lake City 150 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Virtually Anywhere and Everywhere IF YOU ARE USING SOCIAL MEDIA DURING OUR CONVENTION: #NFBU21 You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back. THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE BLIND PLEDGE I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the programs and policies of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution. NFB OF UTAH MISSION STATEMENT In the National Federation of the Blind of Utah the blind and interested sighted persons come together to create programs to improve the quality of life of the blind; to provide a means of collective action for parents of blind children; to promote the vocational, cultural, and social advancement of the blind; to achieve the integration of the blind into society on a basis of equality with the sighted; and to take action which will improve the overall condition and standard of living of the blind. We work toward the removal of legal, economic, and social barriers to full participation by blind people in all aspects of community life. The NFB of Utah is the blind speaking for ourselves. CONVENTION INFORMATION REGISTRATION CHAIRPERSON Jerry Nealey , Member, Weber/Davis Chapter DOOR PRIZE CHAIRPERSON Danielle Frampton, Member, Salt Lake Chapter AUCTION CHAIRPERSON/AUCTIONEER Tara Pursel , Member, Weber/Davis Chapter SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRPERSON Marnie West, Member, Weber/Davis Chapter VENDOR FAIR CHAIRPERSON Willie Black, Member Board of Directors REGISTRATION Convention registration is Free! Registration will be open before all general sessions (any additional times are stated in the agenda below) . You may pay for meals, and banquet tickets with cash or card. Registration will be held right outside the main general session ballrooms, in the Canyons Lobby. MEALS: list of 3 items • There will be a free welcoming dinner on Thursday evening, June 3rd beginning at 6pm . • On Friday and Saturday , Boxed Lunches will be available for $10 per person. • On Saturday evening, Banquet Dinner will be $15 per person. list end You can pay for meals ahead of time by going to www.nfbutah.org and selecting the “Make A Donation” button. There you will be prompted by Paypal. Please place the word “Meals” in the note field. VIRTUAL: Join us on Zoom. Everyone will be muted and cameras will be disabled. There will be opportunities for interaction using the raise hand feature. https://zoom.us/j/8061136194 OR CALL 17207072699,,,8061136194# OR STREAM THE CONVENTION ON YOUTUBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXJU3pIPw9tcmE72GLauB1w DOOR PRIZES: We will draw for a variety of door prizes during each general session and at the banquet. You must be registered with the convention in order to have your name placed in the drawing, and you must be present when your name is called in order to win. You may win multiple door prizes, so be sure to arrive on time and attend every session. GUIDE DOG RELIEF AREAS Parking for guide dogs is located on the north side of the hotel, across from the Alta room. There is an atrium located there for guide dog users; there are trash cans with special bags. Please be courteous and pick up after your dog at all times. HOTEL LAYOUT All meeting rooms are on the east side of the hotel on the main floor. When you come in the front doors of the hotel, turn right and head to the conference side/east side of the hotel. The restaurant is located on the northeast side of the lobby, and a Starbucks is in the southwest corner of the lobby. There are elevators next to the hotel restaurant that will take you to and from your rooms. There is also a gift shop, just south of the elevators, and east of Starbucks. Please feel free to explore the many restaurants and shops around the hotel, centrally located in downtown Salt Lake City. DONATION FOR A TRIP PROGRAM: You have a chance to WIN two round-trip airline vouchers for anywhere JetBlue flies! Donate $10 for 1 chance or $20 for 3 chances for the drawing. The more you donate, the better chance you have to win the tickets. Winner will be announced at the state convention banquet (June 5), but, you do NOT have to be present to win. Scan the QR code or click the link below and select the “Make A Donation” button to Donate: www.nfbutah.org Make sure to put the word “Trip” in the note field when donating. Call, text, or email Ken Duke for additional donation options: Phone: (801) 330-10581 􀑍 Email: ken.r.duke@gmail.com 22 NFB OF UTAH WELCOMES OUR 2021 CONVENTION HONORED GUESTS NFB National Representative: Norma Crosby Norma Beathard was born on January 25, 1956, in Conroe, Texas. She was the first of five children born to Robbie and Joseph Beathard. Norma was born legally blind because her mother contracted rubella during her pregnancy; however, Norma’s blindness remained undetected until she began walking. At that time her parents began to notice that she seemed to bump into things that a sighted child should see, and they had her vision tested. A determination was made that she was blind when she was two years old. Years of surgery followed with no improvement. Norma was an active child. She joined her siblings in most of the games they played, and her blindness was not a real obstacle when she was small. But she couldn’t read the blackboard when she started school, and she experienced a number of problems related to her vision as she grew older. Norma always attended school in rural communities, a circumstance which she describes as “both a blessing and a curse.” Because no one in her life knew anything about blindness skills, she wasn’t able to learn Braille or cane travel. She used large print books, which were bulky and heavy for a tiny girl. Since her vision was extremely limited, she had to read with her nose practically touching the pages of her books, even though the print was enlarged. Despite the lack of training in blindness skills, Norma feels that she received a quality education because she had caring teachers who always found ways of making it easier for her to learn. She was fortunate to have the same teacher from her first grade year through her third grade year, and that teacher was determined that Norma would be included in everything the class did. Her name was Jean Todd, and she spent countless hours offering Norma one-on-one instruction. Other teachers with similar attitudes were a part of Norma’s life throughout her K-12 experience. Professionals in the field of work with the blind were not as helpful. When Norma asked for Braille training, she was told by a rehabilitation professional that she was wasting his time, and she was made to feel guilty because, according to him, she was depriving a “real” blind person of the opportunity to learn by making this frivolous request. Eventually she was able to convince him that he should provide her with training, and he traveled to her small town and spent two hours with her. This was woefully inadequate, but it did allow her to learn the alphabet, Braille numbers, and some punctuation symbols. Her experience with inadequate Braille training has made Norma a strong advocate for providing Braille education to children with low vision. After completing her education, Norma found herself living in a small community with no opportunities for a blind person. She knew she had to leave her rural home if she was to become successful. Her father was opposed to her leaving, but her mother understood that a different environment would provide Norma with a better chance of living the life she wanted to live. So she took the unusual step of going against the wishes of Norma’s father; drove Norma to the bus station in Lufkin, Texas; and purchased a ticket to a better life for her daughter. Norma traveled to Austin that day, and although she had no idea what she would do to become successful, she was confident that she would be able to make a life for herself. Norma began her working life as an employee at the Travis Association for the Blind. That employment did not last long because Norma found that she couldn’t live on the $1.05 an hour that the sheltered workshop was paying its trainees, and her questions about how to make a higher wage went unanswered. In fact, it became clear that she was unlikely to be paid the federal minimum wage anytime soon, so Norma began to look for other work. She also married during this time and began a family. Her first son was born on March 10, 1976, and her second son was born on March 10, 1978. Once her children were out of diapers, Norma started work at the Texas School for the Blind. She worked as a dorm parent at the school from 1979 to 1982. After a divorce Norma found the National Federation of the Blind and became an active member in 1983. By 1985 she was living in Houston, and she was an important part of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas leadership. She didn’t hold elective office in the Federation, but she worked hard to help the affiliate president and other leaders to carry out the organization’s mission. She became president of the Houston Chapter in 1989, and she continued in that role for eight years. When Norma joined the Federation, she met Glenn Crosby. Glenn was serving as president of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas, and as the two worked closely together, a personal relationship developed. They were married on April 15, 1989. Each of them had two children, and the two families have blended into a harmonious group. Glenn and Norma are now the proud grandparents of seven grandchildren, ranging in age from three to twenty. Four years before they married, Glenn asked Norma to begin managing the office for his food service business, and they became professional partners. The Crosbys owned five food service locations during the late 1980s and early 1990s, but they sold all but two of the locations and were operating those two locations when they retired in 2013. Though both Norma and Glenn grew up in Texas, they decided they wanted a change in 2001, and they spent about a year in South Dakota. Then they spent several months in Ajijic, Mexico. Ajijic is near Guadalajara, and, while they enjoyed their time there, they needed to be closer to home for business reasons. So in 2005 they moved to Ruston, Louisiana. Shortly after arriving in Ruston, Norma was elected to serve as president of the North Central Chapter of the NFB of Louisiana. She remained in that position until January of 2009, when she and Glenn made the decision to move back to their native Texas. They now live in Alvin, near Houston, on four acres of land and have a few cows. In 2012, Norma was chosen to serve as the first president of the Lone Star Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Texas. Then, at the affiliates 2014 convention, she was elected to serve as the state president. While Norma believes strongly that it is not necessary to hold an office in order to be an effective leader, she is honored to serve as both the president of the NFB of Texas and, since her election at the 2015 National Convention, as a member of the organization’s national board of directors. THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 2021 All in person events will take place in the Capitol Reef Ballrooms. VIRTUAL ON ZOOM Join us on Zoom. Everyone will be muted and cameras will be disabled. There will be opportunities for interaction using the raise hand feature. https://zoom.us/j/8061136194 OR CALL 17207072699,,,8061136194# OR STREAM THE CONVENTION ON YOUTUBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXJU3pIPw9tcmE72GLauB1w 6-7:30 P.M WELCOMING DINNER Sponsored by Global Mobile Text 2 Vote Come and hear a presentation by Lee Durham, CEO Global Mobile Text 2 Vote and Amelia Powers Gardner, Utah County Commissioner. *FREE to ALL registered convention attendees. 7-8:00 P.M RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Resolutions Chairperson: Karl Smith, 2nd Vice President, NFB of Utah Come learn about the 2021 resolutions that will be presented at this year’s convention. All are welcome! 8-10 P.M ACCESSIBLE GAME NIGHT Hosted by the Utah Valley Chapter and Spanish Division. Come play accessible board and card games for fun and prizes. It will be a great night to unwind and have fun with NFBU members. All games are fully accessible and virtual! FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2021 7:30 A.M CONVENTION REGISTRATION Location: Canyons Lobby Registration is free! Boxed lunches on Friday and Saturday are $10 per person Banquet on Saturday evening is $15 per person FRIDAY MORNING GENERAL SESSION All in person events will take place in the Capitol Reef Ballrooms. VIRTUAL ON ZOOM Join us on Zoom. Everyone will be muted and cameras will be disabled. There will be opportunities for interaction using the raise hand feature. https://zoom.us/j/8061136194 OR CALL 17207072699,,,8061136194# OR STREAM THE CONVENTION ON YOUTUBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXJU3pIPw9tcmE72GLauB1w 9:00 A.M CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME Invocation: Cynthia Young, Member, Red Rocks Chapter National Anthem: Karl Smith, 2nd Vice President, NFB of Utah Color Guard Presentation: Nathan Osterguard, President, Blind Veteran Association NFB Pledge Welcome: Everette Bacon, President, NFB of Utah 9:40 A.M NFB NATIONAL REPORT: COLLECTIVELY SHAPING OUR FUTURE Norma Crosby, President, NFB of Texas and member of our National Board of Directors. 10:10 A.M WHAT JOBS ARE THE BLIND ACHIEVING? A REPORT FROM THE UTAH STATE OFFICE OF REHABILITATION Aaron Thompson, Rehabilitation Services Director, Utah State Office of Rehabilitation 10:25 A.M FEDERATION TRAINING CENTERS: THE NEXT GENERATION Jennifer Kennedy, Executive Director, Blindness: Learning in New Dimensions (BLIND), Inc., Minneapolis, MN 10:40 A.M LIBRARY SERVICES FOR THE BLIND: WHAT’S NEW WITH BARD, NEWSLINE, AND MORE Lisa Nelson , Director, Utah State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled 10:50 A.M WHY I AM A FEDERATIONIST: THE BLIND ENTREPRENEUR William Black, President, Weber/Davis Chapter 11:05 A.M NO HANGING CHADS ALLOWED! A presentation on Accessible voting by Democracy Live! 11:15 A.M LET’S GET OUT THE VOTE… ACCESSIBLY! Justin Lee, Director of Elections, State of Utah 10:50 A.M COMCAST AND ACCESSIBILITY: BUILDING BRIDGES IN ENTERTAINMENT AND SO MUCH MORE! Deneiva Knight, Director, External Affairs at Comcast 11:55 A.M ADJOURN 12-1:15P.M BOARD OF DIRECTORS LUNCH Location: Capitol Reef “B” Ballroom Invocation: Helen Eckman, President, Red Rocks Chapter Moderator: Everette Bacon, President, NFB Utah Come hear from the Board of Directors of the NFB of Utah, and a special presentation from Katie Steed, Disability Specialist Manager, Priesthood and Family Department at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION Capital Reef “A” Ballroom. Huge door prize. Be sure to be on time! 1:35 P.M BUILDING OUR FUTURE: PRESENTATION OF THE 2021 NFBU SCHOLARSHIP FINALISTS Marnie West, Chairperson, NFB of Utah Scholarship Committee 1:45 P.M STATE OF THE STATE Everette Bacon, President, NFB Utah 2:10 P.M A WORD FROM OUR FRIENDS AT VANDA PHARMACEUTICALS AND NON 24! Shauna Jafo, Vanda Pharmaceuticals 2:20 P.M THE BIGGEST FESTIVAL IN UTAH JUST GOT ACCESSIBLE! A presentation by the Sundance Film Festival 2:45 P.M RAISING THE COMMUNITY THEATERS CURTAIN OF ACCESSIBILITY Michael Fox, Chief Operations Officer Hale Centre Theater 3:05 P.M WHY I’M A FEDERATIONIST: PERSPECTIVES FROM CHILDHOOD TO ADULTHOOD – MY PERSONAL JOURNEY THROUGH BLINDNESS Marty Langworthy, Member, Weber/Davis Chapter 3:20 P.M RAMONA’S STORY: ASPIRATIONS WITH STEELY DETERMINATION Ramona Rice , Deaf/blind Activist and Author 3:35 P.M ROCKING THE VOTE: WHAT THE DISABILITY LAW CENTER IS DOING TO MAKE VOTING ACCESSIBLE! Sheri Newton , Legal Advocate and Community Relations Director, Disability Law Center 3:45 P.M THE CAPACITY OF BLIND YOUTH Brandon Watts, Utah Schools of the Deaf and Blind 4:00 P.M ADJOURN FRIDAY EVENING SESSION All following sessions will begin with a half hour presentation that will be carried live and on Zoom. At the end of each presentation, there will be time for hands on demo for those in person. 4:15 P.M COMCAST 5:00 P.M VANDA PHARMACEUTICALS 5:30 P.M AXIS TECHNOLOGIES 6:15 P.M QUENTIN WILLIAMS BLIND PODCASTER 8 - 10 P.M FIRE AND ICE NIGHT: ICE CREAM, LATIN DANCE & KARAOKE Presented by NFBU’s Project STRIVE and the Spanish Division of the NFB of Utah. Come enjoy a fun night of ice cream, karaoke, and learn a few popular Latin dance moves. All are invited to this FREE event. SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 2021 * See previous zoom information and links 7:30 A.M CONVENTION REGISTRATION Location: Canyons Lobby Registration is free! Boxed lunches on Friday and Saturday are $10 per person Banquet on Saturday evening is $15 per person 8:00 A.M NFB OF UTAH BOARD MEETING AND CHAPTER REPORT Come and hear from all the members of the NFB of Utah Board, chapters, divisions, clubs, and groups of the NFB of Utah. DIVISION MEETINGS: YOUR VOICE MATTERS – UTAH PARENTS OF BLIND CHILDREN AND UTAH BLIND PARENTS MEETING Moderators: Sarah Erb, President, NFB of Utah Parents Division and Tara Briggs, Member, Utah Valley Chapter Come meet other parents and network with some of the top leaders in the state. Participate in hands-on activities on how to make things accessible for your child. Learn how to advocate for your child from some of the state’s and nation’s leaders in blindness education. Participate in parent panels, networking, break-out groups, and much more. CHILDCARE 1A: CONVENTION SENSORY ROOM Location: Orion Room The Orion Room is located just past the restrooms and to the right and has been reserved for the duration of the convention. The Convention Sensory Room is a space where convention goers have permission to be a kid. Try your balance, ninja skills, and create tactile art. **This room is not set up as a certified childcare but will be manned by adults during the Annual Parents Meetings on Saturday. Text questions to Sarah Erb, 801-556-6649. 10:00 A.M SPANISH DIVISION MEETING Moderators: Laura Vincent, President, Utah Valley Chapter and Ulvia Guadarrama , Founder, NFB of Utah Spanish Division Take part in our Spanish Division so that together we can help in changing common myths and misconceptions of blindness within other cultures. English translation will be provided. 11:00 A.M STUDENT DIVISION MEETING Moderator: David Carrillo, President, Student Division of NFB of Utah Come hear from Norma Crosby and get involved in reorganizing our Utah Association of blind Students! 12:10-1:30 P.M FOOD AND FUNDRAISING LUNCHEON 2020 NFBU Annual Auction Location: Capitol Reef “B” Ballroom Invocation: Kevin Ledford, Member, Salt Lake Chapter Auctioneer: Cameron Frampton, Member, Salt Lake Chapter Auction Co-Chairs: Tara Pursel, Weber/Davis Chapter and Stephanie Cordova, Salt Lake Chapter One hundred percent of funds raised through the annual auction are used for funding a summer braille enrichment program for elementary school children, and collegiate scholarships. SATURDAY AFTERNOON GENERAL SESSION Capital Reef “A” Ballroom. Welcome and BIG door prize! 1:35 P.M WHY I’M A FEDERATIONIST Glen Crosby, Former member of National Board of Directors and Former President of NFB of Texas 2:05 P.M UTAH BELL ACADEMY: WHY THE NFB OF UTAH CONTINUES TO RING ITS BELL Wendy Bybee, Coordinator, Utah Bell Academy 2:25 P.M PROJECT STRIVE: A DECADE IN RETROSPECT AND STRIVING TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE Moderator: Cheralyn Creer, 1st Vice President, NFB of Utah Panel: Instructors, NFB of Utah Project STRIVE : Willie Black, Tara Briggs, and participants of NFB of Utah’s Project Strive 2:55 P.M WHY I’M A FEDERATIONIST: AUTHENTIC TO MYSELF MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, RADIO PERSONALITY. Karmalynne Rios, Member Utah Valley Chapter 3:15 P.M ADVOCACY IN ACTION: A SPOTLIGHT ON WASHINGTON SEMINAR A VIRTUAL EXPERIENCE Moderator: Chelsea Peahl, Legislative Director, NFB of Utah 3:35 P.M NFB OF UTAH TREASURER’S REPORT Mark Turley, Treasurer, NFB of Utah ** Please see Voting guidelines in agenda! 3:50 P.M 2020 NFB OF UTAH RESOLUTIONS Karl Smith, 2nd Vice President NFB of Utah 4:30 P.M NFB OF UTAH BOARD ELECTIONS 5:00 P.M ADJOURN YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE: National Federation of the Blind of Utah’s 2021 Banquet YYoouu aarree ccoorrddiiaallllyy iinnvviitteedd ttoo tthhee:: NNaattiioonnaall FFeeddeerraattiioonn ooff tthhee BBlliinndd ooff UUttaahh’’ss 22002211 BBaannqquueett This 5th day of June 2021 At Six-Thirty in the Evening Master of Ceremonies Mr. Everette Bacon Banquet Address Mrs. Norma Crosby Presentation of NFB of Utah Scholarship Winners Mrs. Marnie West PAC Plan Presentation Mr. Chris Wycoff Diamond Auction Items Mr. Cameron Frampton “Live the Life You Want” Image The 5th day of June, 2021 at Six-Thirty in the Evening * See previous zoom information and links for on-line participation MASTER OF CEREMONIES Mr. Everette Bacon banquet address Mrs. Norma Crosby presentation of nfb of Utah scholarship winners Mrs. Marnie West PAC plan presentation Mr. Chris Wycoff diamond auction items Mr. Cameron Frampton For those that are able to stay following the banquet, join us for an informal musical jam session. Bring your instrument, your voice, your song requests, or just yourself, and your friends and spend a little extra time and have a little extra fun with your Federation family before we have to say goodbye. The NFB of Utah wishes to thank all our 2021 sponsors and vendors, without you we couldn’t put on such a wonderful convention. It takes the love and support of our local and national community sponsors to make what we do happen. Thank you! TITLE SPONSOR Comcast NBC Universal 132 Comcast NBCUniversal is committed to making our products, services, and experiences accessible to the widest possible audiences — creating new pathways to independence and inspiration for people with disabilities. We’re continuously innovating to expand the utility of our products, from the cable industry’s first talking guide, to narrated voice descriptions of TV programs, to remotes that can be manipulated through eye-tracking devices — all of which are available today. We are committed to making our workplaces inclusive for employees of all abilities and to building a workforce that reflects the demographics of the disability community. GOLD SPONSOR Vanda Pharmaceuticals 135 Vanda, a global bio pharmaceutical company, focuses on a serious disorder called Non-24. Non-24 is a chronic circadian rhythm disorder that’s very common in people who are totally blind or have vision loss. Non-24 causes nighttime sleep problems and a wide range of daytime difficulties, including an overwhelming urge to sleep during the day that can affect your ability to do everyday tasks or activities – at work, school, or in social settings. Please come by and visit us at our table or call a health educator toll free at 1-855-856-2424 to find answers to your questions about Non-24. SILVER SPONSOR Salt Lake City Corporation 139 Lions Club International 141 BRONZE SPONSOR Global Mobile Text 2 Vote Axis Technology Democracy Live VOTING IN THE VIRTUAL Proposed Voting Procedures for the 2021 Hybrid convention: Because of the pandemic, the NFB of Utah will be holding a hybrid convention. This will cause the convention to consider different ways to conduct business then we usually do when we are together in person. None of these proposed procedures are meant to alter our current constitution. The convention remains the supreme authority of the affiliate and the convention must consider and approve any proposed changes. list of 5 items 1. We have been authorized to use the Swift Balloting system by our National Headquarters. This will serve as the platform for how we will conduct our elections and any policy adoptions. 2. As stated in our constitution, in order to participate in voting, membership must be verified. This is being done by reviewing the registration list for proof of payment of affiliate dues, and/or verifying with chapter presidents of current chapter membership rosters. 3. Members will have their phone information loaded into the Swift voting system and will be able to vote by text or phone call. Members must be present during the business meeting to participate in the elections. 4. A nominating committee will be assigned by the President as in years past and the nominating committee will make recommendations. Nominations will also be taken from the floor during elections. 5. Any questions regarding membership or voting will be referred to Cheralyn Creer and William Black who have been assigned the responsibility of handling any questions or issues that may occur during the elections process.