[Nfb-web] Web Accessibility Day

Everett Gavel e.gavel at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 3 17:45:20 UTC 2009

Hello Gary, Clara, and all,

Such a day sounds great.  May God bless our efforts.  A question for Clara
though, before proceeding with this reply:

Is this "Web Accessibility Day" going to focus on the need, or simply share
what's already being done?  Because if it will focus on educating those who
still too often seem slightly, um, clueless - there's tons of stuff to

In that case, please, start with the commonplace, free stuff that should be,
needs to be, accessible.  The free WYSIWYG editors most any free webspace
host offers for people, for example.  Then maybe focus on just a handful of
the seemingly hundreds of code-editing programs at places like download.com.
All are free to try and many free - or almost-free - to keep using. Just
about all of these are far more of a pain to try to use, than they need to
be.  Can we heighten the focus on working with them to make their stuff they
tout as usable to build the Web, usable by all?  We need to get across to
them that there's no need to make something strictly visual - and in fact,
most companies lose sales from this "in the box" thinking.

Lastly, I'd urge  that there be a focus on making not just programs, but the
actual Web SITES accessible.  Share how a couple of simple things, like the
abundant smplicity of just *labeling their graphics* cam make a bottom-line
$$ difference in a site's sales.

Not sure if that's what was wanted, but I hope it helps somehow.  ;-)

Strive On!

----- Original Message ----- 
> Folks, how about giving me some proposed answers for Clara.
> Gary
> Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 9:28 AM
> Subject: Web Accessibility Day
> Gary,
> The Access Technology team is setting up a Web Accessibility Day here at
the Center for September 22nd, and I'd like to get any ideas you might have
on a couple of things. First of all, do you have any thoughts on who might
be suited to present on Web Authoring Packages--Activating Accessibility
Features and Using them. Anyone with experience using IBM's Eclipse would be
useful as well. Finally, Eclipse, Dreamweaver and Contribute aside, what
would you suggest for the line-up of web authoring tools?
> Any thoughts welcome.
> Sincerely,
> Clara Van Gerven
> Access Technology Content Specialist
> National Federation of the Blind
> 410-659-9314 x-2410
> cvangerven at nfb.org

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