[Nfb-web] FW: Sensor & RFID Apps of the Future, Part 2: Buildings & Environment

Joe Orozco jsorozco at gmail.com
Mon May 24 17:43:10 UTC 2010

 I wonder if this technology could be built to work with GPS systems?  In
other words, the chips would send signals to a GPS app that could
drmatically increase orientation not just outside but inside malls and other
structures with no direct access to satellites.--Joe
Subject: Sensor & RFID Apps of the Future, Part 2: Buildings & Environment

Sensor & RFID Apps of the Future, Part 2: Buildings & Environment

  <http://www.readwriteweb.com/images/mobile_environment_150.jpg> In Part
php> 1 of this series on mobile applications of the future, we looked at
apps for food and supply chains, retail, and social networking. In Part 2,
we check out ideas and early prototypes for mobile apps that literally
interact with the world around you: buildings, objects and the environment.

The ideas in this post come from a session at the recent ReadWriteWeb Mobile
<http://www.readwriteweb.com/summits/mobile/> Summit that I convened. Thanks
to the participants!


As noted in Part 1, sensors and RFID tags are small computer chips that
connect real-world objects to the Internet. Increasingly data from these
chips is being accessed and processed using mobile phones, which means a
world of new opportunity for start-ups and developers. 

Buildings & Objects

RFID data could make building mapping automated and much more accurate. It
could identify the location of gas lines, the temperature at various
locations, how to optimize air flow in a data center, and more. Likewise, in
your home you could have sensors deployed everywhere. For example, in your
windows to notify you of any damage. 

The ground itself can be monitored using sensors. HP Labs has a seismic
<http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press/2010/100215xa.html> sensing
solution that is currently deployed by Shell. It integrates with Shell's oil
and gas exploration systems to sense, collect and store geophysical data. 

  <http://www.readwriteweb.com/images/library_rfid.jpg> Parking could be a
consumer friendly application for sensor data - telling you where are the
parking spaces, in real-time.

Tire pressure monitoring and exhaust monitoring could tie into carbon
footprints. But who will pay? Government mandates may be required before
this happens. 

Many libraries are already using RFID, to enable you to (for example) self
check out library items.

Security in buildings is a big area of opportunity. Airports is one obvious
example and the advent of biometric passports
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biometric_passport>  (sometimes called
ePassports) is where we'll likely see a lot of RFID usage.

Speaking of airports, RFID tags on luggage is an application begging to be
introduced - as my
<http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/the_end_of_lost_luggage_rfid.php> own
tale of lost luggage woe from last year attests.

Collecting tolls from cars using FasTrack
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FasTrak>  is yet another use case for RFID in
the physical world.

Environment, Green & Energy

Just as there are plenty of building and object applications waiting to be
built on top of sensor and RFID data, there are many opportunities for usage
in environmental products and services.

  <http://www.readwriteweb.com/images/green_watch_logo_dec09.jpg> Green
Watch <http://lamontreverte.org/en/>  is a project that we
air_quality_measurements.php> reviewed at the end of last year. It's
literally a watch, which measures ozone levels and noise pollution. The
watch connects wirelessly to the wearer's mobile phone and sends updates to
Citypulse <http://lamontreverte.org/vis/> , an open platform for receiving
and storing environmental data. It's still a prototype at this point, but
(ahem) watch out for it in the future.

Another prototype project is the Common Sense Research Project
<http://www.communitysensing.org/>  at Berkeley, which measures air quality.
The project is "developing mobile sensing technologies that help communities
gather and analyze environmental data." At the Mobile Summit, this notion
led to a discussion about the business case for this technology. Whose fault
is it for poor air quality; for example can polluting companies be held
responsible for air pollution? 

One Mobile Summit participant wanted a smart garbage pail that auto reorders
an item when you have thrown it out. That segued to a discussion about
paying by the weight of garbage. RFID could also be used to match a trash
can with its owner!

Sensors could be used to detect the 'green quality' of a food producer, for
example allergens.

Smart meters from power companies is something that is already happening.
Also water - for example IBM's water management
<http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/24465.wss> system for the
city of Dublin. It measures things such as "the movement of pollutants in
fresh water, marine and oceanic environments."

As you can see, some of these ideas are already in production (HP Labs,
IBM). Others are in prototype, still others are but a twinkle in the
proverbial milk man's eye. Now let us know, in the comments, your own ideas
for mobile apps that make use of sensor and RFID data.

Image credits: Datascan <http://datascan.ro/product.php?name=library-rfid> ;
Common  <http://www.flickr.com/photos/39040553@N05/sets/72157619166499634/>
Sense Project 







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Sensor & RFID Apps of the Future, Part 2: Buildings & Environment

Written by Richard
MacManus / May 24, 2010 2:49 AM / 1
.php#comments> Comments 
 <http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebook_plans_privacy_changes.php> <
Prior Post 

  <http://www.readwriteweb.com/images/mobile_environment_150.jpg> In Part
php> 1 of this series on mobile applications of the future, we looked at
apps for food and supply chains, retail, and social networking. In Part 2,
we check out ideas and early prototypes for mobile apps that literally
interact with the world around you: buildings, objects and the environment.

The ideas in this post come from a session at the recent ReadWriteWeb Mobile
<http://www.readwriteweb.com/summits/mobile/> Summit that I convened. Thanks
to the participants!

As noted in Part 1, sensors and RFID tags are small computer chips that
connect real-world objects to the Internet. Increasingly data from these
chips is being accessed and processed using mobile phones, which means a
world of new opportunity for start-ups and developers. 

Buildings & Objects

RFID data could make building mapping automated and much more accurate. It
could identify the location of gas lines, the temperature at various
locations, how to optimize air flow in a data center, and more. Likewise, in
your home you could have sensors deployed everywhere. For example, in your
windows to notify you of any damage. 

The ground itself can be monitored using sensors. HP Labs has a seismic
<http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press/2010/100215xa.html> sensing
solution that is currently deployed by Shell. It integrates with Shell's oil
and gas exploration systems to sense, collect and store geophysical data. 

  <http://www.readwriteweb.com/images/library_rfid.jpg> Parking could be a
consumer friendly application for sensor data - telling you where are the
parking spaces, in real-time.

Tire pressure monitoring and exhaust monitoring could tie into carbon
footprints. But who will pay? Government mandates may be required before
this happens. 

Many libraries are already using RFID, to enable you to (for example) self
check out library items.

Security in buildings is a big area of opportunity. Airports is one obvious
example and the advent of biometric passports
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biometric_passport>  (sometimes called
ePassports) is where we'll likely see a lot of RFID usage.

Speaking of airports, RFID tags on luggage is an application begging to be
introduced - as my
<http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/the_end_of_lost_luggage_rfid.php> own
tale of lost luggage woe from last year attests.

Collecting tolls from cars using FasTrack
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FasTrak>  is yet another use case for RFID in
the physical world.

Environment, Green & Energy

Just as there are plenty of building and object applications waiting to be
built on top of sensor and RFID data, there are many opportunities for usage
in environmental products and services.

  <http://www.readwriteweb.com/images/green_watch_logo_dec09.jpg> Green
Watch <http://lamontreverte.org/en/>  is a project that we
air_quality_measurements.php> reviewed at the end of last year. It's
literally a watch, which measures ozone levels and noise pollution. The
watch connects wirelessly to the wearer's mobile phone and sends updates to
Citypulse <http://lamontreverte.org/vis/> , an open platform for receiving
and storing environmental data. It's still a prototype at this point, but
(ahem) watch out for it in the future.

Another prototype project is the Common Sense Research Project
<http://www.communitysensing.org/>  at Berkeley, which measures air quality.
The project is "developing mobile sensing technologies that help communities
gather and analyze environmental data." At the Mobile Summit, this notion
led to a discussion about the business case for this technology. Whose fault
is it for poor air quality; for example can polluting companies be held
responsible for air pollution? 

One Mobile Summit participant wanted a smart garbage pail that auto reorders
an item when you have thrown it out. That segued to a discussion about
paying by the weight of garbage. RFID could also be used to match a trash
can with its owner!

Sensors could be used to detect the 'green quality' of a food producer, for
example allergens.

Smart meters from power companies is something that is already happening.
Also water - for example IBM's water management
<http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/24465.wss> system for the
city of Dublin. It measures things such as "the movement of pollutants in
fresh water, marine and oceanic environments."

As you can see, some of these ideas are already in production (HP Labs,
IBM). Others are in prototype, still others are but a twinkle in the
proverbial milk man's eye. Now let us know, in the comments, your own ideas
for mobile apps that make use of sensor and RFID data.

Image credits: Datascan <http://datascan.ro/product.php?name=library-rfid> ;
Common  <http://www.flickr.com/photos/39040553@N05/sets/72157619166499634/>
Sense Project 

 <http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebook_plans_privacy_changes.php> <
Prior Post 
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	Internet of
<http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/internet-of-things/> Things, Mobile

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es%2Fdefault-userpic-50.jpg> Posted by: Cytheria | May 24, 2010 6:24 AM <> 


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