[Nfb-web] web development experiences

Tim Swan timrswan23 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 19:22:37 UTC 2017

Hello all,
I'd like to thank you for all the feedback I received. I decided to go
with one of those who responded, although I don't want to throw out
names here. I am also a bit concerned about the tactics of a specific
company so I wanted to post it here.
Someone recommended I check with comtechusa and so I did. I received a
response later that didn't cover most of the requirements I wanted,
and yet set a price at $1500 with a huge chunk of that required ahead
of time. The person I am working with also has a down payment, so I
understand that, but considering they didn't address part of what I
want and considering that this is something that the other person has
already started putting together and demoing for me, $1500 is a lot
and that doesn't even cover the ability to blog and/or stream.
Beyond that, I finally took a look at the website itself. It's
interesting to me that a company who builds websites would have a
"website designed by <another company here" at the bottom of their
page. More interesting, they didn't bother rebuilding the template
links, so all the links at the bottom of the page are all 404 errors.
The services list looks like the spaghetti on the wall tactic; throw
as much at the wall and see if it will stick. I don't usually post
things about other companies, but it feels really off to me and I want
to let others know who may be looking into using them. There is some
uncertainty for me in using a company who among tons of other services
claims to specialize in website development and wants to charge $1500
for a website who can't even build their own and make sure that the
links aren't broken in the template.


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