[NFB_of_Georgia] Candidacy for 1st Vice-Presidency of NFBGA State Affiliate

Gaylon Tootle gtootle at nfbga.org
Thu Oct 4 01:43:41 UTC 2018

Hello Fellow Federationists, 

I am sure that by now most of us are getting that warm and giddy feeling that one gets that only the upcoming Georgia State Convention brings. The renewing of old acquaintances, the making of new ones, going to General Session, going to the Independence Market, electing new leaders to lead our affiliate. Yes, that too. 

And that is what I would briefly like to talk with you about. I would like to be your 1st Vice President. I have served you faithfully over the last four years first, as a Board Member, and the last 2 years, your 2nd Vice President. I have been able to move forward because you have continued to believe in me and the job that I have been doing; the asking hard questions, being involved in the Mentoring Program, being on several committees within the Board, the Advocacy Committee. I have attended a couple of Washington Seminars within the past 2 years. I attended this year’s Atlanta Seminar as well as spending several days at the State Capitol advocating on behalf of our organization and our cause, the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia. After all, it is (Advocacy) a passion of mine. 

I am a team player who knows when to lead and when to follow. I know when to be “all in” and when it is time to “slow my roll.” There are times when you may become somewhat unpopular for a stance you take, but most times, its nothing but love one feels. My point being, I think those qualities are vital for your leader and I think most of you feel the same way for you keep pushing me forward.

I need your support once again as I try to move forward to a better position to continue and better serve you. 

The 1st Vice President’s job is not an easy job nor was it an easy decision for me to choose to run for this position. My commitment to the Federation and the mission that you all have kept me on eventually won out. And here I am willing and ready to serve. To;
*   Support the President in his/her vision, mission and general guidance of the affiliate. To stand with or in his/her stead if the President is unavailable. To carry forward his/her message or create a message in times that will arise. 

*   Revisit the Blind Academy situation. I strongly feel that there has to be a better way to educate our Blind students. I have an approach.

*.  We must continue to build the Federation or in this case, rebuild. Savannah is where I want to start. I strongly feel that way.

I could go on but this is a great place to close. I think that you all get the gist of what I am trying to say. I love the Federation and I love serving you guys. I have the qualities necessary and the experience that is required to successfully execute the duties of the office and provide guidance and bring new ideas and passion, of course, to the job. 

I appreciate the trust you all have placed in me over the years and I am asking for your renewed trust in this upcoming election. I thank you. 


Gaylon Tootle 
2nd Vice President 

Sent from my iPhone

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