[NFB_of_Georgia] NFB of Georgia Zoom Leadership Training Conference - Saturday, April 22, 2023, 10:00AM - 2:00PM

plewis at nfbga.org plewis at nfbga.org
Wed Apr 19 16:43:30 UTC 2023

Good Afternoon


On Saturday, April 22, 2023, the Georgia affiliate board will be hosting a
zoom leadership training.


And these are the step to take:

*	Please provide this information to all to make sure that everyone
that wishes to attend has what they need to sign 



*	Zoom link:



Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118 


One tap mobile 
+16468769923,,95539617118#,,# US 

this training is scheduled for 10:00AM to 2:00PM. We are asking that you
pass this invitation out to all that would be interested. This meeting will
include topics on membership, NFB philosophy, finance, legislation and more.
This event is free and open to all. There will be several guess speakers
attending our conference and they will be open to questions.


We intend for this training conference to be educational as well as fun for
all. Please plan to join us for what we hope will be the first of many
chances for the Georgia affiliate to come together to educate, talk and


Here is the zoom information again.


Join Zoom Meeting 


Meeting ID: 955 3961 7118 


One tap mobile 
+16468769923,,95539617118#,,# US 

Patrice Lewis

NFBGA, 2nd Vice President

PH: 678-756-3757

Email: plewis at nfbga.org <mailto:plewis at nfbga.org> 


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