[NFB_of_Georgia] Fraudulent Emails Going Around - Please Read

Dorothy Griffin dgriffin at nfbga.org
Tue Jan 10 22:45:31 UTC 2023

Hello NFB of Georgia Members, Affiliate Presidents, and Chapter Presidents
Once again the email bandit is sending out an email that says it is from
Dorothy (me).  Asking you to do me a favor or asking you to purchase gift
cards (visa, amazon etc.) and I will reimburse you.  The messages change in
what they may say I am asking you to do.  Please share with everyone in
this affiliate, friends and family that may not be connected with the NFB,
and NFB of Georgia,, etx., and to not answer the emails.  Please delete
them and let me know what email they are using.

Please know that I would never email you to ask you to do me a favor and
especially not to ask you to purchase anything for me for reimbursement.
If I were to need a favor I would pick up the phone and call you, although
it would not be a monetary request. Again  I have made a report to the, GBI
Crimes Against Disabled Adults and Elderly (CADE) Task Force.

Due to us having new members joining our chapters and divisions I am asking
all chapter and division presidents to please make your members aware of
this issue and inform them to report the email address of the fictitious
email and to delete it immediately from emails, spam and your trash.

Thank you so much and if you have any questions please feel free to give me
a call.

Dorothy Griffin - President
National Federation of the Blind of Georgia
dgriffin at nfbga.org

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.
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