[NFBA-Phoenix] Last Saturday’s meeting and moving forward

Brad Kuhn papa.ks.kafe at gmail.com
Wed Oct 9 23:04:44 UTC 2019

two members of the Phoenix  chapter; I know we had an intense election this last Saturday and I just want to address some things. People have questions about some people just showing up for the election just to vote and then they just go away. I can tel u tut you ueur Paid their dues  back in July and had no idea that we were even having an election can tell you guysu that Vicky, Carrie, Donna,u and Tom did a fantastic job at running the nomination committee and finding the right candidate for the chapter for both the second vice President position and the board position. The election itself was done very fairly. Now I’m telling you all this because I’ve been hearing things on the contrary and we needed to just move on and go about the normal chapter business. I can tell you that the candidates have moved on and the chapter needs to do the same. I also have been hearing murmurs from the chapter that I have been on fiscally responsible with the treasury. There’s been question as to me blatantly spending $500 for a table with the VA. I want to let everybody know that I would never paid $500 for a table and would not even involve the chapter in an event like that. This is why we don’t go to the state fair and represent the NFB there. The event that was mentioned was getting a table at the v rate and there is a fee of $500 for two days out to that event. I would never set something like that up. Understand that we have these smaller fundraisers and the big one that we have this weekend to help raise funds for the chapter becauseBy the way, the table at the VA is free of By the way, the table at the VA is free of charge. that’s what’s important we need to build our membership and of course have funds so that we can participate and many of the events that the national Federation Of the blind has to offer and then of coarse go above and beyond. I want to personally apologize to those of you that I snapped out in the last couple of days but I get very passionate about the chapter and want us to be successful. Again I am sincerely sorry to those that I may have offended. However, I will say that I had to take offense when I hear that I’ve done all these bad things for the chapter as well. What I am going to ask is that if you hear any rumors or that I may have been negligent or did anything negligent to the chapter that you please come talk to me. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to me then contact either Jordan or Collin but don’t let things fester until you’re way too angry to be helpful with the chapter. We all need to work together. Thank you very much and for those that are planning to attend on Sunday, your bedding be getting a call from me tonight to see that you are going to be there. If you want to save me a step, please email me. I will put my contact information at the bottom of this email

SentSincerely, Bradley Kuhn Phoenix chapter Sincerely, Bradley Kuhn Phoenix chapter president. And by the way I’m sorry about the errors I’ve been working on this message for quite a while now. Please forgive my grammarAnd editing mistakes. It’s a lot harder with a cell phone And editing mistakes. It’s a lot harder with a cell phone. My phone number is 815-501-1153 and my email is papa.ks.kafe at gmail.comOr you can Or you can just reply to this message from my iPhone

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