[NFBA-Phoenix] Amazon echo and the 2020 national convention.

Brad Kuhn papa.ks.kafe at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 11:46:56 UTC 2020

For any of you that have the Amazon echo you can be a part of the stream for the general session for today, tomorrow, and Saturday. This would also include the banquet on Saturday afternoon. All you have to say is “Alexa and able Nationsnations blind

 National Federation of the blind convention 2020 and then you can join the live stream. keep in mind there’s a 45 second delay so when you vote you have to be a little bit more quicker. The number to vote if you did you get registered for convention and registered to vote on time is 667-206-6677. I recommend that you save that number in your phone contacts as nfb vote. That way all you have to do is tell Siri that you’d like to vote by saying that particular command. “Text nfb vote and then vote yes or now depending on what instruction they give us I hope this helps Sent from my iPhone

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