[NFBA-Phoenix] Minutes Jan 2023 -NFB of AZ Phoenix Chapter

rachelrkuntz at gmail.com rachelrkuntz at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 03:23:46 UTC 2023

NFB of AZ Phoenix Chapter Business Meeting Minutes

Sat, January 7, 2023 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM


Location- Hybrid/Virtual

In-Person- SAAVI Services for the Blind, 2920 N. 7th ST, Phoenix, AZ 85014

Virtual over Zoom 

Call to Order-Jordan Moon, President

Roll Call: 17 MEMBERS AND 2 guests ATTENDED.

Attendees participated in the Pledge of Allegiance, the NFB Pledge, and the
NFB One-Minute Message. Prayers were offered by meeting participants.

Tom Johnson, Board Member led a tribute in remembrance of Judith Donell and
other members. The chapter held a moment of silence.

Presidential Report-Jordan.   Jordan spoke about our great energy. He
appreciates our heart. The word of the year is love. We have lots of love
for each other. Keep this in mind when feeling stressed.

Secretary's Report Rachel Kuntz, Secretary, - Business Meeting Minutes,
September and November 2022 and December 2022  

Monica Nunez MOVED TO SUBMIT reports for September and November VIA EMAIL or
phone call WHEN ready. Betty Love seconded. The motion carried. 

Nick Fletcher Moved to accept the December report as read. Mike Smith
seconded. motion carried.

Treasurer's Report - Donna Silba, Treasurer, January 2023

Rachel Moved to accept the report as corrected. Mike seconded. motion

Jordan acknowledged Donna for receiving the Transformational Leadership

Presidential Release 523, 1-4-23 recap 

Monica noted that January is Louis Braille Day. Jordan talked about how the
NFB is honoring World Braille day by announcing a new website. We can submit
nominations for the Jacob Bolotin award. The BELL program application is
open. Uber is refunding fees for wait times. Check email or on the Uber ap
to see if you qualify. Braille readers are leaders' registration is open.
Ashleigh Moon is important and counts too. Get a prize for just signing up
to participate. Signup by phone if you don't have computer access. Donate
Braille books in good condition to action fund mail to NFB center.
Convention is in Houston. $119 per night and reservations are open.

Legislative Report National/affiliate. Jordan discussed the Phoenix Seminar
on Jan 17. Joann Williams is the Legislative Director. We are going to
conduct a hybrid approach to the seminar. A few people will head to the
capital and others will submit emails to their legislators. Brian Dulude
mentioned that the Starbucks is opening back up in the west building across
from the capital. Advocate for accessible voting, extending blindness
certifications, and increase funding for the ILB program. 

The Washington Seminar has a couple of people that are going from the
chapter. Join the Great Gathering in virtually on Jan 30.  Advocating for
Website and software accessibility act, medical device accessible act, and
Blind Americans return to work act.  Jordan will invite someone to talk
about the ABEL accounts signed into law by President Biden.

Membership Committee -New Member Welcome -Vicki Hodges and Monica Nunez,
Co-Chairs. Monica encouraged people to join. This is a good time of year to
update your contact information.

Donna reminded people to pay their membership dues for 2023. 

Fundraising Committee -Betty Love, Chair. Fudge raised about $230 for the
chapter. She hopes to sell popcorn in Feb.

Rachel moved that we sell popcorn in Feb pending affiliate approval closing
in March. Monica seconded. The motion carried. Jordan noted that these type
of fundraisers are easy and he hopes we do more of them. Betty is hoping for
more participation from the membership during the next fundraiser and wants
us to do an awesome job for the chapter. She will prepare an action list for
us to do.

Outreach Committee: Rachel, chair-gave a Christmas Party Re-cap. She thanked
everyone for their role and everyone had a great time. 

Social Committee: Joy Harris, Chair. No report was given.

Technology Committee-Joe Goode, Chair. No report was given.

State Division and committee updates-Parents division is meeting in person
again per Ashleigh Moon. We will be doing a STEM to you program in Tucson
and possibly in Phoenix. Volunteers will be needed.

New Business

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Plans- We will have a table at the event and a
small group will take part in the march prior to the event at Margaret T
Hans Park. Volunteers are needed for two hour shifts.

Rachel moved to pay$50 to be a vendor/resource table at the MLK Day event.
Mike seconded. The motion carried.

Norma Robertson Picnic Plans-April 1 -we will meet to discuss more plans for
the picnic on a future date.

Philosophy --  NFB Experience: People or events in the movement that have
touched your life. Betty Love. Members shared stories of the moments and
people that led them to joining the federation. 

Betty talked about the impact that Cari Taylor had on her life. She spoke
about what she learned when she interviewed Cari for her college project.
The story of Carrie's life story was well received and even earned a top
grade. Cary touched her life and she loves her.

Rachel spoke about how meeting the Vice-President of the Ohio affiliate and
how it changed the direction of her life. 

Mike spoke about how much the chapter inspired him. He first met the people
in the NFB at 16. He remembers that Arial Silverman introduced him to the
chapter. After a few years away, Monica asked him to come to a meeting at
the phoenix chapter. He remembers feeling very welcomed.

Jordan talked about Arlen. Arlen let him know that his views are needed and
are important. Arlen said that you are always welcome here. Jordan stayed
for Arlen. 

When Jordan's Dad passed away last year Justin Hughes touched his life.
Justin called to console him and then Justin passed away later that week. He
will never forget the kindness that Justin demonstrated to him.

Betty spoke about how Michelle encouraged her to join and to stay in the
chapter. They decided to make a difference together. Betty continues in her

Tom mentioned Fred Rockwell. Fred was a member when he joined and was a gift
to him. He led many Philosophy discussions. 

Jenny Kasl mentioned meeting Meagan who convinced her to join. She enticed
her by mentioning that she could get good food afterwards. Jenny also talked
about the check ins during Covid and how special they were to her.


Brian mentioned an article that ASU is exploring real-time Braille
translation in the classroom. They are using artificial intelligence to read
a black board and Braille is being generated in real-time.

Brian mentioned that DES is getting a new Director in late January.

Donna mentioned that AIB has job openings.

Congratulate Danna Rivera for her new job at AIB.

Birthdays/Anniversaries were celebrated.

Many members moved to adjourn. The motion carried.

Lunch was cancelled.


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