[NFBA-Phoenix] Fwd: Urgent Opportunity to Protect Public Transportation in Valley of the Sun

NFBAZ Phoenix nfbphoenixchapter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 20:33:01 UTC 2023

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Marcus.Schmidt at aps.com
> Date: February 11, 2023 at 9:19:25 AM MST
> To: TWilliams at saavi.us, Mafeliz0641 at gmail.com, jdfmoon at gmail.com, caddyeman at gmail.com, cgarfio89 at gmail.com, debichatfield at gmail.com, tinabir80 at gmail.com
> Cc: maryhartle17 at gmail.com, nfb.az.president at gmail.com, kj4483 at gmail.com, CLeBlond at saavi.us
> Subject: Urgent Opportunity to Protect Public Transportation in Valley of the Sun
> Dear chapter president:
> Please pass the Email below along to your respective chapter list-serves immediately!
> Mary Hartle passed the following announcement from Ability 360 along, which urges ALL who want to preserve and even expand public transportation to send Emails to senators on the state's transportation and technology committee before their Monday morning meeting, urging them to vote "No" on SB 1122, as it would greatly reduce funds allocated to public transportation (see below for details).
> The proposal put forth by this bill would completely undermine the "Our Momentum" plan, proposed by the Maricopa Association of Governments after much research and extensive input from the public.
> If you're not comfortable with sending Emails, you can call the senators instead at the phone numbers provided below.
> Thank you in advance for your support in this very important effort.
> And, I apologize for the very short notice on this, but the Email didn't come out until Friday.
> Marc Schmidt
> Transit Committee Chair
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ability360 <advocacy at ability360.org>
> Sent: Friday, February 10, 2023 12:28 PM
> To: maryhartle17 at gmail.com
> Subject: Empower Advocacy! Update: Time Change on Transportation Bill Hearing Monday!
> http://www.ability360.org
> View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/ability360.org/empower-advocacy-action-alert-contact-your-legislators-today-1009453?e=8dc40c9b67)
> ** EMPOWER! Advocacy
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Action Alert: Contact Your Legislators about a Transportation Bill that Will Cut Our Transit System Funding and Harm Travel Access for People with Disabilities!
> SB 1122: Transportation Tax; Election; Maricopa County
> Sen. David Farnsworth has introduced SB 1122 to extend the half-cent transportation sales tax in Maricopa County; however, this proposed bill effectively defunds Valley Metro and significantly destabilizes the region’s existing regional transit system, including buses, rapid buses, light rail, and paratransit.
> Transit increases mobility and allows people with disability access to work and educational opportunities that they otherwise could not access without a car.  This bill would take current funding for public transit from 33% to 5%.  Maricopa County cannot afford to fall behind on transit. We must continue to invest in our transportation and transit systems.
> SB 1122 will be heard again in the Senate Transportation and Technology Committee on Monday, Feb. 13th at 9:00 a.m. and your voice on this bill is important.  Senator Farnsworth has specifically asked transit users to reach out and share their stories before the Committee Votes on Monday afternoon.
> Contact the Members of the Senate Transportation and Technology Committee and ask them to vote no on SB 1122:
> * Senator David Farnsworth, Chairman, dfarnsworth at azleg.gov (mailto:dfarnsworth at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-3387
> * Senator Frank Carroll, Vice-Chairman, fcarroll at azleg.gov (mailto:fcarroll at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-3249
> * Senator Rosanna Gabaldon, rgabaldon at azleg.gov (mailto:rgabaldon at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-3424
> * Senator Theresa Hatathlie, thatathlie at azleg.gov (mailto:thatathlie at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-5160
> * Senator Jake Hoffman, jake.hoffman at azleg.gov (mailto:jake.hoffman at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-3292
> * Senator Anthony Kern, akern at azleg.gov (mailto:akern at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-3497
> * Senator Christine Marsh, cmarsh at azleg.gov (mailto:cmarsh at azleg.gov) , (602) 926-3184
> Valley Metro SB 1122 Summary (https://mcusercontent.com/bee0937edca5b520233c0a75f/files/16e5e394-75db-cf69-62c1-df867d18c951/Valley_Metro_SB_1122_Summary.pdf)
> SB 1122 - Introduced Version (https://mcusercontent.com/bee0937edca5b520233c0a75f/files/f6ef3bd6-60d8-6853-0bbe-807038e258dd/SB1122P.01.pdf)
> http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmailchi.mp%2Fability360.org%2Fempower-advocacy-action-alert-contact-your-legislators-today-1009453 Share (http://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmailchi.mp%2Fability360.org%2Fempower-advocacy-action-alert-contact-your-legislators-today-1009453)
> http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Empower+Advocacy%21+Update%3A+Time+Change+on+Transportation+Bill+Hearing+Monday%21: https%3A%2F%2Fmailchi.mp%2Fability360.org%2Fempower-advocacy-action-alert-contact-your-legislators-today-1009453 Tweet (http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Empower+Advocacy%21+Update%3A+Time+Change+on+Transportation+Bill+Hearing+Monday%21: https%3A%2F%2Fmailchi.mp%2Fability360.org%2Fempower-advocacy-action-alert-contact-your-legislators-today-1009453)
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