[NFBA-Phoenix] May 2024 NFB of AZ Phoenix Chapter Business Meeting Minutes

Rachel Kuntz rkuntz at saavi.us
Sat Jun 1 15:32:13 UTC 2024

NFB of AZ Phoenix Chapter Business Meeting Minutes
Sat., May 4, 2024 9:30 AM
Location - Hybrid
In-Person: Saavi Services for the Blind, Phoenix
Virtual over zoom

Call to Order: Jordan Moon, President
Roll Call in attendance were 8 Guests and 19 members.
The Pledge of Allegiance , NFB Pledge, and NFB One-Minute Message were recited.
Prayers were shared .
The chapter celebrated the life of , Emmanuel "Manny" Caddy, who passed suddenly April 5, 2024. We will miss his friendship and ability to speak out and speak up.
Rachel Kuntz Moved to allocated $50 to honor Emmanuel's memory. Monica Nunez, 2nd Vice President Seconded. The motion carried.
Members plan to contribute funding as well to the memorial.
Vicki Farley will determine the next steps in honoring Emmanuel and Rachel will assist.

Presidential Report Jordan. Spoke fondly of the work each member has been putting in and thanked everyone for takin on so much. The chapter is strong, and he looks forward to more advocacy and reaching the goal in raising $2,000. He has heard from lots of people who are ready to work to build the chapter.

Secretary's Report Rachel, Secretary
Business Meeting Minutes, March, and April 2024.
Monica Moved to read the minutes when available. Kim Hobbs Seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Rachel announced that she is not going to run for Secretary at the next election and looks forward to the new secretary adding their creative style to the position.

Treasurer's Report: Donna Silba, Treasurer
May 2024
Rachel Moved to adopt the report as read. Monica Seconded. The motion carried.

Membership Committee /New Member Welcome -Vicki Farley and Monica Nunez, Co-Chairs
Rachel  moved to welcome Matthew Duffell-Hoffman as a member of the chapter. Mike Smith Seconded. The motion carried.

Rachel is updating the chapter member roster and will arrange to have Braille copies printed for those who ask for them.

Presidential Release Recap: May, 2024.
Information about the national convention was given.
Lori Kirsop made an appeal for a roommate.
Jordan suggested that we subscribe to the convention list serv to get additional updates and to request roommates.
Affiliate President Donald Porterfield is chairing the NFB resolutions committee.
NFB partnered with Spin Master to create a Tactile Rubix cube.
Virtual convention will be open for general session and other meetings will be available. cost $10.

Legislative Report National/Affiliate
Jordan mentioned that voting rights are at the front of our minds and contact the Department of justice and call the National office too.
Budget negotiations are underway. We have been working with a lobbyist and this person gave great ideas for getting our funding initiative passed for independent older blind program.
The state of AZ is in a hiring freeze and facing budget cuts.

Technology Committee-Joe Goode, Chair
The Mastodon seminar went well and will be archived for later use. He welcomes people to join them at the next meeting.

Fundraising Committee -Betty Love, Chair
Betty is working on the popcorn sales to start on May 7 Ish and goes to June 7. Give a donation to the chapter if you don't want popcorn.
Reported that the raffle table was a success at the picnic.
Attend the next fundraising meeting.
Sharonda Goode spoke about having a game night as a fundraiser.
Autumn L suggested a 50-50 raffle.
Mike Smith made a motion to have game night. Monica seconded. The motion carried.

Outreach Committee Report
Norma Robertson Wagner Picnic Re-Cap: Mike Smith, Chair.
The chapter had a pleasant picnic experience and Mike thanked everyone for their careful planning and the challenging work during and leading up to the picnic. Some attendees noted a need to work on a couple of challenges to streamline the food lines but even with this feedback the picnic was a success. More than 70 people were in attendance. The weather was great.
People offered great suggestions and to adjust the sound system for better audio.
Macaulay Beasley spoke about the philosophy of the NFB and to bring the ideas to the committee planning calls for 2025. He thanked everyone for their hard work at the picnic.

BELL program planning and updates-Lunch for the children on May 28
The chapter will meet to formalize plans however expect the food to be tacos and ice cream and expecting a large group of members to attend.
Kim Fetterman suggested people reach out to the coordinator to volunteer.

No State Division and committee updates were given.
New  Business
Monthly chapter Board Meeting Thursday at 7 PM prior to each Chapter Meeting
Affiliate quarterly board meeting May 11 at 9:30 AM , Virtual.

College scholarship applications are due to the affiliate by May 31.

National Convention, July 3-8.
Phoenix Chapter requests for financial assistance should be submitted to Jordan by 6/8.
Sharonda Moved to allocate $25 for three funds and an additional $25 for door prizes during national convention totaling $100. Cindy Garfio seconded. The motion carried.

Monica Moved to hold the July business meeting on Saturday July 13 virtually starting at 9:30 AM. Sheryl Susunkewa seconded. The motion carried.

NFB AZ affiliate convention (August 22-25) Volunteer to help.
Macaulay volunteered to coordinate door prizes and auction items for the chapter.

Philosophy Discussion: "No One can make you helpless." By Manny. Chapter members and guests spoke about what this statement meant to them. Loving memories of Emmanuel were shared. Many shared the moments when they realized their full independence. Pay no attention to what others say only what you believe about yourself. Believe that you can. Thank you Emmanuel for bringing this quote to us.

Accessible Medical Device Kits from Saavi Services for the Blind: update from Rachel
Be Tactile Kits and Workshop now available for those interested in participating in the pilot contact Jeni Charleston

No Birthdays/Anniversaries
Happy Mother's Day was wished.
Several moved to Adjourn, and the motion carried.
Lunch Plans
Garcia's Mexican Restaurant

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