Constitutional changes Brad suggested that the constitution be visited every two years in case changes are needed. The change was proposed for the phrase hereinafter in place of the constant use of National Federation of the Blind of Arizona. Delete the term Arizona area, and add last sentence about blindness. Sharonda suggested that the membership categories be defined within the constitution. Voin suggested that a follow-up committee replace the associate member category. Tanner pointed out that that's the goal of the membership committee. A list will be kept and updated of active members, such as who has been to six events, be they chapter meetings and/or social events. Committee membership and participation is also under consideration. As Tom Johnson put it, we're looking for signs of life! Brad suggested that the attendance at affiliate events be counted against the six events, such as conventions, state board meetings or other events and fundraisers. The recommendation is for quarum to be one third of the membership. If a quarum isn't reached, a board meeting would then be required within two weeks with a quarum of four members.