[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] Question about list serve

Megan Homrighausen megsvending at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 23:16:26 UTC 2018

Hi Dave, 

Can you please look at the Cc: Field in my email. I am having a very hard time getting things out on the East Valley list. I do know this chapter member. It looks a little different to me how the email is labeled. I don’t understand why his name has the dashes after it or why it is associated with the listserv. He is a chapter member of the East Valley. Can you please explain how this happened and why I cannot post to the list without using this address. Thank you.

I am the East Valley chapter president. The list serve is called nfbazaz-eastvalleychapter. Thank you.

Megan Homrighausen

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