[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] September's minutes

Tony Sohl tonysohl at samobile.net
Sat Oct 17 23:46:39 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Arizona
East Valley Chapter Minutes
September 19, 2020

Megan called the meting to order at 12:35 PM The NFB Pledghe and One 
Minute message were read. August minutes were read and approved. The 
Treasurer's report was read and approved.
Checking: $1,372.75
Caring fund: $115.
Savings: 12,650.

Jenny reminded everyone that dues can be paid on the NFB website which is:

You can also send Jenny a money order or check. Jenny will be sending 
out an email with her contact information including her mailing 
address. The NFBA state convention was mentioned. This is Arizonas's 
first time doing a virtual convention and otherwise it was a success! 
If you have further comments, you can reach out to Donald or to the 
convention planning committee. The state is working on getting secret 
accessible ballots and more information wil be coming soon. There were 
committe and devisiion reports.

Diabetes Action Network: Brad mentioned he wants to revise the Diabetes 
Action Network The seminar will be on October 15, 2020 and more 
information wil be coming soon. You can contactBrad, Mark or Matt for 
more information.

Senior Devision: There wil be a senior national retrete in October and 
the deadline for Registration is at the end of September. More 
information will be coming soon.

Parents of Blind Children: Ashley Moon is the President and Allison 
Hilliker is the vice president. There will be a parent seminar sometime 
and it is being worked on. If you have ideas for the parents seminar, 
you can send your ideas to Ashley.

Fundraising Committee: Matt has an idea for a fund raiser at Portillos 
and this will be brought up at the October meeting.

Transit Committee: The Transit committee is being reorganized and the 
VMAG meeting was mentioned. If you have ideas for transit you can email 
either Megan or Mark Schmidt.

Tony and Tina reported they are helping Lisa Scottwith the technical 
side of Valley metro including apps for both android and IOS and making 
sure the website is accesible for blind people to use with screen 
readers or other types of assistive technology.

Meet the Blind month was mentioned. Some of the ideas include:
1. The chapter would be Creating videos about blindness and how we as 
blind people do everyday tasks. The videos would then be poasted to the 
East valley Chapter's Facebook and Twitter feeds. More information wil 
be coming soon.

2. Sending a video to a class about blindness and this would be a 
qquestion and answer session. This would happen sometime in 2021. Jenny 
would send the kid's name in Braille to the school. A motion was made 
and passed to allocate $100.00 for an education outreach activity which 
would then be sent to a school.

3. E-mailing out NFB literature packets to doctor's offices in the East 
Valley. A motion was made and passed to ivestigate this and bring it up 
at a later time. The chapter wil hold a board meting to discuss this 
and work out all the details..

The chapter held a discussion about how to hold the elections at the 
November chapter meeting and the chapter maybe using the Swift voting 
system which was used at the NFB National convention. A motion was made 
and passed that dues need to be paied no later than October's chapter 
meeting. Tony is going to be getting the representative from Candoables 
to come to the October meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 PM

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