[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] Fwd: NFBAZ Convention Agenda with Phone Numbers

Megan Homrighausen megsvending at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 00:49:26 UTC 2021

Megan Homrighausen

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Debi Chatfield <debichatfield at gmail.com>
> Date: August 27, 2021 at 11:42:24 AM MST
> To: Debi Chatfield <debichatfield at gmail.com>
> Subject: NFBAZ Convention Agenda with Phone Numbers
> 75th Annual State Convention
> “Our” Unfinished Business …
> The members of the host committee welcomes you to the 75th Annual State Convention for the National Federation of the Blind of Arizona.
> National Federation of the Blind of Arizona
> Donald Porterfield, President
> 7360 E. Vactor Ranch Trail
> Tucson, AZ 85715
> Nfb.az.president at gmail.com
> www.az.nfb.org
> Jordan Moon, First Vice President NFBA and Chair, Convention Arrangements Committee
> This Year’s Hosts:
> This year’s convention is being hosted by the State Affiliate.
> September 2 – 5, 2021
> Everywhere and Anywhere – Virtual
> Convention Notes:
> Translation Services:
> Spanish language interpreting services will be provided for this years NFBAZ State Convention.  Should you or someone you know, benefit from this service, please contact Roxanne Torres and a link will be sent to you to join in the interpreting Zoom Room. You can reach Roxane via email at rtorres at saavi.us You may also contact her directly by  phone  or text at 520 336-4586. You may also simply use the following zoom link for the Philosophy, Friday Lunch, Resolutions, General Session, Banquet, and Business Meeting.
> Servicios de interpretación en el idioma Español serán proveídos durante la convención estatal del NFBAZ.
> Si usted o algún conocido tomaría beneficio de estos servicios, comuníquese con Roxanne Torres. Ella le mandará el enlace para poder conectar a un “Zoom Room”. Le pueden enviar un correo electrónico a rtorres at saavi.us También se pueden comunicar por medio de teléfono o texto 520 336-4586.
> +12532158782,,83928585114
> One tap mobile 
> +16699006833,,83928585114#
> Zoom Notes:
> Keep in mind that upon joining convention one will be placed on mute. If you wish to speak and are not on the agenda, you may raise your hand. A host will get to you as soon as possible, do not unmute yourself until you are prompted to do so. If you are on the agenda the host will unmute you as we approach your presentation. Remember if you are on video, be mindful of your actions as we can see you. We would like to begin all sessions on time, so please join in at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled time.
> Helpful commands:
> Phone commands to mute/unmute are: *6
> Phone commands to raise/lower hands are: *9
> Computer shortcuts to mute/unmute are: Alt+A
> Computer shortcuts to raise/lower hands are: Alt+Y
> Additional Zoom JAWS specific commands can be found at the end of the agenda under “Additional Information.”
> Door Prizes/Auction:
> The Door prize and Auction committee is proud to tell you that just because we are virtual does not mean there is not going to be door prizes and auction items. Door Prizes  will be drawn during general convention sessions and during the banquet. To win, you must be registered for the convention, and you must be present when your name is called. To register, please go to www.az.nfb.org/conventions. As long as you are registered by 8:00 a.m. each morning your name will be entered into the door prize pool of names.
> Brad Kuhn, Door Prize/Auction Committee Chair.
> Code of Conduct: We welcome all attendees to our convention and embrace diversity, inclusion, and mutual respect. Although we are meeting via Zoom these items are still relevant. To that end, please keep the following expectations in mind when you join us: The National Federation of the Blind provides support to members and advocates for our rights to live the lives we want through advocacy, public awareness, and mentoring. As a member or guest at our convention, you not only represent yourself but also our organization. We want you to enjoy your time with us, make new friends and renew old acquaintances. Although we encourage members to socialize and have fun, the convention also provides an important opportunity to come together to continue the work of our organization, to learn about the important initiatives that we are involved with on a local and national level, and to plan our work for the future. Please remember these guidelines:
> 1. Welcome new attendees: Although you will undoubtedly enjoy time with your friends, please reach out to those who have never joined us before and help them to be comfortable. We welcome people from all walks of life and with diverse needs and experiences.
> 2. Attend and participate in sessions.
> 3. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated under any circumstances. If your behavior could possibly make anyone uncomfortable, even if you would not be upset by it yourself, do not do or say anything that could be considered inappropriate by anyone.
> Affiliate Fundraising:
> Despite the challenges we faced in 2020 and 2021, we have come together in true Federation fashion and not let things get in the way of “our” Unfinished Business! Like we have done so many times before, we need to act! A task can seem insurmountable but when we join together to take action, we can complete any unfinished business!
> Our fundraising campaign this year is called #TakingAction21.  join with your National Federation of the Blind of Arizona family to fund our movement, and to raise the expectations of blind people in Arizona.
> To thank you for your contribution you will be entered into a drawing which will take place on Banquet night for a very special gift! Each $20 donation is a chance to win. Challenge your friends, family, Facebook friends to also Take Action and give. Your name will be placed in the drawing for each increment of $20 you give. Give $100 and you will be entered into the drawing five times.
> Donate online now.
> Donate via phone by calling Joanne Gabias our fundraising chair at 318-497-2782.
> Send a check to NFBAZ, 7041 N. 33rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85051. Be sure to have #takingaction21 in the memo.
> Donations will be considered up until the end of general session on Saturday for the drawing. The winner of the drawing will be announced September 4, 2021 during the banquet.
> Please come together once again and with love, hope, and determination help us continue to show that blindness is not what defines you or your future. Thank you for your generosity.
> #Stepingintoaction21
> The #Stepingintoaction21 campaign is another way to fundraise during convention while promoting health and wellness during the virtual convention. This is a fundraiser with a little fun competition to see who can get the most steps in during a virtual convention and raise some money for the affiliate. It is simple to sign up at
>  https://az.nfb.org/2020tgrstep/ . You can enter as a step competitor or have a sponsor donate towards your steps. The goal is for someone to donate $1.00 for every 1000 steps you take during the days of the virtual convention. In order to participate as a step competitor, we ask that you predict how many steps you think you will take or challenge yourself to take during the convention. You can have sponsors donate $1.00 for every 1000 steps you plan on taking or you can donate towards your own steps.
> The first-place winner will receive an Amazon gift card for $30, the second-place winner will receive an Amazon gift card for $20 and the third-place winner will receive an Amazon gift card for $10.
> We look forward to your hashtags on Facebook! We’ve got this! #Steppingintoaction21
> NFB National Representative: Tracy Soforenko
> Tracy Soforenko grew up in Rhode Island as the youngest child of a high school teacher.  He attended the University of Pennsylvania graduating in 1991 with degrees in Finance and Psychology. Each summer, he worked long hours to pay tuition and expenses. He noticed difficulty with driving and scheduled an eye exam only to find out he was experiencing rapid vision loss due to Retinitis Pigmentosa. After college graduation, Tracy moved from Philadelphia to Washington DC and started a career in technology and business consulting serving financial services, retail, and publishing industry customers across North America. Tracy’s career evolved from consulting to becoming a project manager for the federal government where he managed large customer service and financial technology projects for the Corporation for National & Community Service and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.
> He and his wife Sharon were married in 1995 and moved to Arlington Virginia in 1997. As his career progressed and family responsibilities expanded with two daughters, Tracy desperately needed to learn alternative nonvisual techniques to do his job, raise his 2 toddler daughters, and be involved in the community.  He needed positive blind role models, a new mindset on blindness and a way to contribute to the community. He found his local NFB chapter and was immediately put to work.
> In his local chapter, Tracy ran fundraising activities and was involved in mentoring students and attended his first NFB National Convention in 2005. The experience was transformative, and he started developing youth programming, running the Virginia program to help first time convention attendees, directing legislative advocacy in Richmond, and taking on leadership roles. He served as president of his local chapter, as a Virginia affiliate Vice President and was elected Virginia affiliate President in 2016. Tracy’s enthusiasm for our national convention led him to serve as chair of the Kenneth Jernigan Fund. Tracy expanded programs for youth in the Virginia affiliate leading to the creation of Project Resilience, Independence, Self-Advocacy, and Employment (Project RISE) in 2017. This thriving program now serves 35 students with a team of 13 staff and mentors. This Fall, the Virginia affiliate is launching a program to share alternative techniques and Federation Philosophy with 60 blind and low vision seniors through the Virginia Silver Bells program.  Finally, Tracy has expanded engagement in legislative advocacy at a state and national level with nearly 100 members participating in legislative advocacy in Richmond and 40 participants in Washington Seminar.
> In 2021, Tracy was elected to serve as a member of the National Board of Directors.
> Tracy, his wife Sharon and their 2 daughters still live in Arlington Virginia. He loves to hike, participate in his local Toast Masters Club, and cook.
> NABS Representative: Elizabeth Rouse
> Elizabeth Rouse is both the current NABS treasurer and a recent graduate of Central College, a division 3 university in Pella, Iowa. During her four years at Central, Elizabeth studied English and Theatre, simultaneously participating in and out of the classroom in many activities, including Washington Seminar 2017, 2019, and 2020. Now that she has her degree, Elizabeth is focused on obtaining structured discovery training at one of the National Federation of the Blind’s training centers, hoping to start in September of 2020. Elizabeth is passionate about all things money-making and self-advocating as they pertain to NABS! She’s also always up for a conversation about Broadway or the Chicago Cubs.
> Registration: It is never too late to register. The convention is virtual and you can register  on-line at www.az.nfb.org.
> If you have any problems registering, please contact your chapter president or the state president in advance to make special arrangements.
> You must be registered for the convention and present to have your name drawn for door prizes!  When you register on-line, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive the confirmation, please contact your chapter president or the state president.
> As long as you have registered prior to 8:00 a.m. on convention days, you will be eligible for door prizes.
> Sponsors:
> The National Federation of the Blind of Arizona thanks the following individuals, companies and organizations for their support of Blind Arizonans handling “Our Unfinished Business…” of us living the lives we want to.
> Platinum Sponsors:
> Saavi is displayed all lowercase in a Sans serif Typeface called Poppins. The a’s have been made completely round to reflect braille dots that are incorporated throughout the rest of the brand, with still having the letter spur attached on the bottom right. The stem on the letter i has been shorten past the x-height to allow the dot (tittle) to be lowered, the tots half-way point lines up to the x-height. An additional dot has been placed above and shifted to the right, creating a braille i. Services for the blind, is then placed directly beneath saavi. Saavi services for the blind is in the primary color navy blue and only the dots creating a braille i are in the primary color warm pink.
> Saavi Services for the Blind is a blindness rehabilitation training center, providing skills training in nonvisual techniques to people of all ages. Whether a student is new to blindness; has received training in the past and would like to learn new skills; or if an individual is experiencing vision loss for the first time, our goal is to provide skills training so our students may lead productive and independent lives. We use nonvisual structured discovery instruction for students participating in our programs. This approach involves creating an authentic approach to blindness skills training; utilizing the learning shade and focus on problem solving for skill development. We believe that it is not about what you can see, it is about what you can do. At SAAVI, it is our motto and belief to expect more of our students. High expectations mean high achievements for program participants. We expect more of our students, and in turn they set high expectations for themselves.  Thus, achieving more and becoming more.
> Expect More, Achieve More, Become More.
> www.saavi.us
> Vanda Pharmaceuticals
> Non-24 Hour Sleep Wake Circadian Rhythm Disorder is a serious chronic disorder for people who are blind or visually impaired and unable to perceive any or enough light, the body clock and sleep-wake cycle can become out of sync with the 24-hour day-night cycle. People who have non-24 experience a constant daily shift in the times when their body expects to sleep and be awake, creating periods when they may be awake at night and want to sleep during the day. Without enough or any light cues, individuals living with non-24 may experience the following symptoms—
> Trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep during the night
> A strong urge to sleep during the day or a tendency to fall asleep unexpectedly
> Sleep patterns that are different from those of most other people they know
> ***these symptoms may greatly affect the quality of your life.
> For further information on non-24, contact:  Shauna Jatho RN, clinical nurse educator 202.538.0396
> Gold Sponsor:
> Team Select Mobile Physicians
> We are Team Select Mobile Physicians, a doctor-to-your-door primary care group. Our goal is to ensure you receive the best possible care from start to finish in the comfort of your own home. Throughout your treatment plan we will continue to collaborate closely with your specialists. We also work with mobile pharmacies, labs, and radiology companies to ensure a care plan that is right for you! With providers available five days a week for consultations in person or via telehealth, we're only a call away!
> Phone: (602) 715 2568
> www.teamselectmd.com
> Silver Sponsors
> ACCESS interior design
> ACCESS interior design LLC is focused on guiding homeowners to their design needs for one space in their residence. Kimberly Parks is a blind interior design consultant. She meets with the client to determine what they need in their space; furniture, fixtures, lighting, appliances, other equipment, work areas, and more. She believes that interior design is about functional organization and wellbeing within a personal space, while considering style trends, it is not always the main purpose for design. Everyone deserves to live comfortably and with ease in their own home. You can call Kimberly to schedule a ZOOM meeting at 602-432-9055 or email her at kparks at accessinteriordesign.com. Website coming soon.
> Arizona Participating Operators Committee
> The Arizona Participating Operators Committee (APOC) represents elected peers of blind entrepreneurs promoting blind people in the Arizona Business Enterprise Program. The Arizona Business Enterprise program gives blind people the opportunity to work in areas such as vending and restaurant management. For more please visit: https://des.az.gov/services/employment/rehabilitation-services/business-enterprise-program-bep-0
> Meg’s Vending and Food Services LLC
> My name is Megan Homrighausen. I am a blind operator in the Arizona Business Enterprise Program. I operate the Scottsdale vending route with my staff. I have been a blind operator for 4 years. Thank you for the opportunity to give back to the National Federation of The Blind and NFB of Arizona. Thank you for your encouragement and support.
> Sun Sounds of Arizona
> Sun Sounds of Arizona provides audio access to print information to people who cannot read or hold print material due to a disability. Sun Sounds broadcasts the reading of over 200 local and national publications 24/7 from our studios in Tempe, Flagstaff, and Tucson. All reading is done by hundreds of trained volunteers.
> We are available on the radio, smart home devices, and internet, as a live stream or podcast. Sun Sounds also helps listeners in hospitals and residential facilities around. Sun Sounds bridges the information gap between current print media and people who cannot use it because of a disability. WWW.sunsounds.org
> Hospitality Suite
> You can access the hospitality suite by clicking on the following.
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88198759933#
> It will be open for an opportunity to mix and mingle each morning from 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM. It will also be open Friday Afternoon 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM, and Saturday 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
> Thursday, September 2, 2021
> 7:00 PM: Philosophy Session 
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,92563198833#,,,,*2021#
> “Our” Unfinished Business
> Three words. One theme. In this session, we will be analyzing this statement, breaking it down and creating meaningful discussion.  Our goal is to build collaborations that will connect to who we are and answer the question “who are we and what is next?” Come ready to speak your mind and be heard at this empowering session and work on our unfinished business! We are not done!
> Tarik Williams, Membership Recruitment and Engagement Committee Chair
> Friday, September 2,
> 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM  hospitality suite
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88198759933#
> 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Access Technology Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,92132957589#,,,,*2021#
> Hey there tech Enthusiast, come join us this year for another jam packed technology seminar from the national Federation of the Blind, of Arizona! This year we will be having some awesome special guest to talk about new technology in their company or organization. This year we will also be providing some new tips and tricks for interacting with personal and professional  technology. As the world continues to move forward through the digital age it is becoming more and more important that we only share information we want and protect ourselves and our families or friends. We will share some information and strategies that will help you to understand what data is being tracked, stored, and how to manage what personal information is available. We look forward to seeing you this year!
> Bryan Duarte, Technology Committee Chair
> 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Jobs Seminar – The more we know, the more we grow.
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,84844148992#
> This year’s Employment Seminar will be jammed-packed with presentations and presenters who are sure to inspire and arm us with the tools we need to handle “Our Unfinished Business”  of getting every blind job seeker the job they want and deserve. We will learn about how we can request a reasonable accommodation and how to get what we need. We will listen to a discussion of an employer’s panel and how it is possible how a dynamic team can be built that could include blind people. Finally, don’t miss an enlightening discussion from blind employees on overcoming roadblocks and barriers to employment outside of blindness related fields. Remember, the more we know, the more we grow. You do not want to miss your chance to grow!
> Reginald Laister – Business Development Manager, Saavi Services for the Blind.
> 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Health and Fitness Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +12532158782,,84159112491#
> Have you been thinking about your health goals?  Are trying to understand how to make some healthy lifestyle changes?  Then this is the right seminar for you!   In this seminar we will be providing steps to live a more active lifestyle and discuss some different types of food options that will put you in the right direction to live a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable!   Some times there  are misconceptions about what a blind person can do in a gym and with exercise   in general.  In this seminar  we will go over the importance of approaching  a healthy lifestyle mentally and physically! And once again making sure it is sustainable for you!
> Tarik Williams and Eve Sanchez
> 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM:  Seniors division Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +12532158782,,81249310077#
> Guest speakers will talk on various topics including, accessible pharmacies and prescriptions, Ability 360.
> Topics for discussion will be prepared that will focus on philosophy and/or adjustment to blindness.
> Connie LeBlond: President, Seniors Division
> 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon: Education Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88662853486#
> This seminar is focused on teaching educators, students, and parents of blind students the resources that are available in the public school system. Hear from dynamic speakers about updates to technology and other resources. Also hear from students who have personally navigated the school system and is pursuing a career in STEM. Follow updates regarding how schools are dealing with Covid and returning in-person.
>  Colin Wong and Ashleigh Moon: Co-Chairs
> Noon – 1:00 PM: Lunch
> One tap mobile
> +14086380968,,95554637326#,,,,*2021#
> Tracy Soforenko, National Representative
> Elizabeth Roush,NABS Representative
> Alissa Trollinger, Deputy Associate Superintendent, Arizona Department of Education
> 1:00 PM-2:30 PM: Students Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +13462487799,,82691194226#
> The pandemic has done more than affect the physical health of our community, it has also had a negative impact on us mentally and emotionally. It has caused us to lose focus. Join us as we talk about our future and how the student division can contribute to helping the National Federation of the Blind work on “our” unfinished business – achieving equal access to society for the blind.
> Jessica DeGraff, President Arizona Association of Blind Students
> 1:00 PM-2:00 PM: Blindness Professionals Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +13462487799,,83858317304#
> Come join us for The Blind Professionals seminar where we will  continue to work on “our” unfinished business. We will  craft our new normal by exploring the impacts on our virtual learning for our blind students,  the trends for virtual employment,  maintain our high expectations with students who are blind have brain injury, and of course sharing our great resources with each other.
> Amy Porterfield, Board Member
> 2:00 PM-4:00 PM: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Seminar
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,83658808810#
> The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion seminar will introduce the importance of these efforts within the affiliate. Experiences from Federationists from across the Nation will be shared. Updates will be given about efforts that will be focused on throughout the rest of the year. Please come to get your questions answered about these initiatives in your state and from the rest of the Federation.
> Colin Wong, Chair and Board Member
> 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Legislative Seminar –
> One tap mobile
> +14086380968,,92376312978#,,,,*2021# US (San Jose)
> +16699006833,,92376312978#,,,,*2021#
> Justice James Beene, Arizona Supreme Court.
> Representative Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton, Arizona Legislative District 10.
> Come join us as we meet with policy makers and discuss how we the blind can advocate for ourselves, move forward, and help move our unfinished business forward through the political system.
> Sami Hamed, Legislative Director
> 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM: Hospitality Suite
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88198759933#
> 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Resolutions Committee
> One tap mobile
> +13462487799,,97526193375#,,,,*2021#
> 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM:  Hospitality Night –
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88198759933#  
> Welcome Federation Family! Please help us kick off our 2021 convention. Finish song lyrics, answer questions about sports, movies, and NFB facts. Don’t miss out on winning prizes and meeting new federationists.
> 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM: Nominating Committee –
> Bob Kresmer, Chair
> This is the only meeting during the convention that is not open to the public
> Saturday, September 4, 2021
> 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM  hospitality suite
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88198759933#
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,91448960409#,,,,*2021#
> 9:00 AM: Opening with President Donald Porterfield
> 9:05 AM: Invocation
> 9:10 AM: Opening Ceremony
> 9:20 AM: Convention Planning Committee Welcome
> Committee Chair – Jordan Moon
> 9:30 AM: Membership Committee Celebration
> Tarik Williams
> 9:40 AM: Cheryl E. Field, NFB of Ohio, Survivors Task Force
> 10:00 AM: Rehabilitation Services Administration, Services for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Deaf
> Brian Dulude
> 10:40 AM: Christine Tuttle, Arizona Talking Book Library
> 11:00 AM: Guest Speaker
> 11:45 AM – 12:00 PM: Special Presentation
> Noon – 1:30 PM: Division Meetings
> ·      Arizona Parents of Blind Children –
> One tap mobile
> +13462487799,,83001304184#
> ·      Arizona Association of Blind Students
> One tap mobile 
> +16699006833,,81759748506#
> ·      AT Large
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,92678740489#,,,,*2021#
> ·      Diabetes Action Network,
> One tap mobile
> +13462487799,,86786967977#
> ·      Arizona Association of Blind Merchants
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,85179405991#
> Afternoon General Session:
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,91448960409#,,,,*2021#
> 1:30 PM: President’s Report
> Donald Porterfield, President, NFBA
> 1:50 PM: National Representative Report
> Tracy Soforenko, NFB of VA
> 2:10 PM: NABS Representative Report
> 2:20 PM – Nominating Committee Report and Elections
> 3:20: Resolutions
> 4:00 PM:  Blind Inc.
> 4:15 PM: Colorado Center for the Blind
> Julie Deden, Executive Director
> 4:30 PM: SAAVI - Services for the Blind
> Amy Porterfield, Chief Operations Officer
> 4:15 PM: NFB BELL Academy Amy Porterfield, Arizona BELL Academy Coordinator and Board Member, NFBA
> 5:00 PM: Adjourn
> 6:30: Banquet
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,91448960409#,,,,*2021#
> Keynote Speaker
> Scholarships
> Auction
> Sunday, September 5, 2021
> 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM  hospitality suite
> One tap mobile
> +16699006833,,88198759933#
> 9:00 AM: Business Meeting and Chapter Breakfast
> One tap mobile
> +12532158782,,88369234269#
> (Breakfast is fend for yourself, but you are more than welcome to dine during our meeting)
> Chapter Reports:
> East Valley
> West Valley
> Phoenix
> Tucson
> Treasurer’s Report
> Division Reports:
> Arizona Association of Blind Parents
> Arizona Association of Blind Students
> Seniors Division
> Diabetic Action Network
> Merchants Division
> Future Events and Activities:
> 2021 – 2022 Events
> Meet the Blind Month
> Phoenix Seminar
> Washington Seminar
> 2022 NFB BELL Academy
> 2022 National Convention
> 2022 State Convention
> 2022 Meet the Blind Month
> Additional Information:
> Zoom Instructions with JAWS   
> Instructions for disabling or controlling which alerts are spoken by Windows screen readers and Voiceover for iOS are below. If you can’t listen to another person joining the meeting after it has already started, this document is for you. We begin with some Zoom settings that will cut down the chatter and will tackle some Jaws features that are less reliable, but still useful.
> Stop Zoom from announcing new meeting attendees on iPhones and iPads
> Open the Zoom app and double tap the settings tab found at the bottom of the screen.
> Double tap the Meetings button.
> Locate the, “Show Name when Participants Join” button and  double tap to turn it off.
> Double tap the Back button or use the two finger scrub gesture .
> Disabling specific alerts spoken during Zoom meetings using any screen reader
> Start the Zoom app.
>  open your account settings. This is indicated by your name and is the first control your screen reader will announce after opening the app.
> Arrow down to Settings and press enter.
> The settings screen displays a list of categories beginning with General. Locate this list and find Accessibility by using the arrow keys. Make the Accessibility category active by pressing enter.
> Press tab until you find the screen reader Alerts listbox.
> Review the options in this listbox by arrowing through    your choices and pressing the spacebar to uncheck alerts you wish to suppress.
> Jaws specific keystrokes
> The next three keystrokes are only available in Jaws 2020 and updated versions of Jaws 2019. The first two do not allow you to turn these features on and off quickly during a meeting. Best results are achieved by disabling or enabling alerts prior to starting a meeting from the Zoom app. Start Zoom and do one of the following.
> Enable or disable Zoom alerts: press Alt+Windows key+s
> Control announcement of chat messages: press Control+f5
> In a Zoom meeting, read the previous alert, even when automatic announcements are off: press Alt+Windows key+a
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