[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] National Federatioon of the Blind 20 giving campaign

Tony Sohl tonysohl at samobile.net
Sat May 28 18:45:41 UTC 2022

The 20 giving campaign is going on now!

contributions can be made to any of the four funds, and you can 
identify which fund you want to  support in which amount on the web. If 
you're going to donate online, it's really important that  you go 
directly to the Give20 donate form at  www.nfb.org/give20 , and you'll 
find our specific campaign donation form there and you can put in all 
of your  information, also get more background if you forget which fund 
contributes to what, all of the  information is there.
You can also call in advance of the convention and give via phone. Our 
phone number, (410)  659-9314. Please use extension 2410 for our Give20 
Also, you can send us a check. Please send that check directly to the 
NFB at 200 East Wells Street,  Baltimore, Maryland, 21230. Be sure to 
include a note with your check about which funds you want to  
contribute to. And if you're contributing funds to multiple of the 
funds, whether it's KJ and white  cane or SUN, just indicate that. You 
only need to send one check with the total amount. Just let us  know 
how you want it broken out and be sure to indicate that it's for the 
Give20 campaign.
Now, what we do is for every $20 you give, we will give you one entry. 
So, if you donate $100, we  will give you five entries. You can also 
encourage your friends. Ask your friends and family and  neighbors, say 
we're getting back together in the National Federation of the Blind and 
the best way  you can support what I do is to give 20 -- or more -- to 
the National Federation of the Blind, and  your friends could win a 
trip to our 2023 convention. But maybe for whatever crazy reason they  
don't want to come to our convention. They don't have to accept that as 
the prize. Alternatively,  if you don't want to come to the convention, 
you can get $2,000 in cash. So can you encourage your  friends if they 
say I'm not interested in the convention, it's okay, they should be 
interested in  supporting you and what you're interested in. But if 
that's not a motivator, see if they're  interested in $2,000 and 
whether $20 to help the blind of America advance our cause is worth it 
for  the chance to win $2,000.
Now, it doesn't stop there. All that goodness, but it gets better. 
Every dollar that is contributed  is doubled thanks to the support of 
HumanWare. Generous gift from HumanWare. As you know, HumanWare  is the 
maker of solutions that help blind people live independently and 
participate successfully in  today's world. $50,000 has been matched by 
HumanWare. So, every contribution totaling up to $50,000  will be 
matched by HumanWare. Thank you to our friends at HumanWare for this 
generous support.

To donate online,k visit:

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