[NFBC-At-Large] Ever Lee Hairston & Lil Deverell.postcast please read

Carmen Weatherly cweatherly101 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 19:35:21 UTC 2021

Hello All, 
I just listen to a podcast and it was very interesting. Great information and I wanted to share it with all of you.
FScast 95, civil rights activist,
Ever Lee Hairston a national federation board of director.
Also, Lil Deverell O & M instructor
please listen to the podcast. 
if any questions about receiving this podcast call me Carmen
Thank you


Carmen M. Weatherly, president
Riverside San Bernardino Chapter
National Federation of The Blind 
of California
C: 909-486-2004 
E: cweatherly101 at gmail.com
You can live the life you want!

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