[Nfbc-info] Invite to the SF Chapter's April meeting

JKTomasell at aol.com JKTomasell at aol.com
Tue Apr 7 01:06:11 UTC 2009

    This is just a friendly reminder that the San  Francisco Chapter of the 
NFBC is having their monthly chapter meeting on  Saturday April 18, 2009 from 
1-3 pm. at the San Francisco Lighthouse.  At  our last chapter meeting 
Stephanie Mellor was appointed to hold the office of  second vice president of our 
chapter.  There will be elections for the  position of second vice president 
during our chapter meeting this month.   If any active members of the SF chapter 
have any suggested ideas or items to be  put onto the meeting's agenda for the 
upcoming April chapter meeting please  contact Eric Holm SF Chapter president 
at )415(425-5613.  If there are any  unactive members of the SF chapter and 
want to become active members of the  chapter please bring $5 for your 2009 dues 
at the meeting.  All members of  the affiliate are welcome to attend the 
chapter meeting and those who have never  attended a San Francisco chapter of the 
NFBC meeting and want to check it out  and see what the chapter is doing you 
are more than welcome to attend the  chapter meeting too.  The San Francisco 
Chapter of the NFBC is looking  forwarded in seeing everyone at this month's 
chapter meeting.
Jaime Tomasello, Secretary of the San Francisco Chapter of the  NFBC
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