[Nfbc-info] cool things happening

Lisamaria Martinez, NOMC lmartinez217 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 08:13:52 UTC 2009


This forward mostly pertains those in the Bay Area, but I was asked to 
circulate the email below. Pay close attention to the At&T posting.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Beth Berenson" <bberenson at lighthouse-sf.org>
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 3:57 PM
Subject: Event Listing

Northern California Entertainment and Recreation Listing February 6
This listing is compiled by the Vision Loss Resource Center at the
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired. It is compiled weekly as
a service to the blind and visually impaired community of Northern
California. If you have meeting or event information that would be
appropriate for inclusion in this list please email
info at lighthouse-sf.org. This list will be updated every Friday.
Information for each Friday's listing must be submitted by the Wednesday
prior to publication.  The entertainment and recreation listing are also
available on the LightHouse website at: www.lighthouse-sf.org.
Audio described movie listings by geographic area:


AMC Bay Street 16:
5614 Shellmond Drive
Now playing in auditorium 5:
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

Cerrito Theatre:
10070 San Pablo Avenue
El Cerrito
Now playing
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"

AMC Metreon 14:
101 Fourth Street
Now playing in auditorium 8:

AMC Van Ness 14:
1000 Van Ness Avenue
Now showing in auditorium 5:

Live Performances described by Visual Voice:
"Twentieth Century"
Presented by Theater Works
Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts
500 Castro Street
Mountain View
February 6  8:00pm
February 7 8:00pm
February 8 2:00pm
The times above are the show times. For descriptions of costumes and set
arrive 25 minutes earlier.  Be sure to mention Visual Voice at the box
Live Performance Described by Audiovision:
Presented by SHN
Golden Gate Theatre
One Taylor St.
San Francisco
April 11: 2PM
To charge tickets and reserve one of the 20 receivers for the show call
415-551-2027 and request Audiovision tickets.  Tickets can also be
purchased at the Orpheum box office, 1192 Market St. San Francisco
without the convenience fee.  The box office is open Monday through
Saturday 10am to 6pm.
Live Performance Described by Audiovision:
Presented by SHN
Orpheum Theatre
1192 Market St.
San Francisco
June 1 2PM
To charge tickets and reserve one of the 20 receivers for the show call
415-551-2027 and request Audiovision tickets.  Tickets can also be
purchased at the box office without the convenience fee.  The box office
is open Monday through Saturday 10am to 6pm.

Bay Area Outreach and Recreation Program (BORP):
Adventure fitness and recreation are touch phrases for BORP.  BORP
believes that everyone should have access to the unique challenges that
outdoor recreation provides.  BORP makes every effort to accommodate
each person's needs, including providing transportation and volunteer
support. Trips are planned with a wide spectrum of abilities in mind,
including wheelchair users, slow walkers, and people with visual
impairments. For event listings call Lori Gray at 510-843-4398 or check
out the BORP website at www.borp.org

FullPower: Self Defense
February 7 1:00pm to 5:00pm
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco
Work with the instructors to set up role-play scenarios that address
your specific concerns, such as dealing with a potential assault or
being confronted by an angry customer in the workplace.  In addition to
practicing everyday safety skills including awareness, boundary setting,
verbal self-defense, and de-escalation techniques, you will also have
the opportunity to practice physical self-defense skills. RSVP before
January 31 to Phillip Kum at 415-694-7372. or via email:
pkum at lighthouse-sf.org
Dance Workshop:
February 14
1:00pm to 3:00pm
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco
Gene Russo returns to the LightHouse to teach partner dancing.  He will
be instructing in traditional ballroom and in contemporary Latin styles.
No dance experience necessary.  For more information and to register
call Phillip Kum at 415-694-7372. or via email
pkum at lighthouse-sf.org

Community Events:

Finding a Guiding Light in the North Bay:
A science update on retinal degenerative diseases:
Sponsored by
The San Francisco Chapter
Foundation Fighting Blindness.
February 7, 9:30am -12:00pm
San Rafael Corporate Center
750 Lindaro Street
San Rafael
There will be guest speakers from Earle Baum Center,  LightHouse for the
Blind and Visually Impaired, and Guide Dogs for the Blind. This event is
free.   To RSVP call toll free 866-782-1330 or via email at:
sanfrancisco at fightblindness.org
Peer Vision Support Group:
February 14   1:00pm-3:00pm
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco
These meetings are casually structured to discuss different aspects of
life with a visual impairment. Every individual is visually impaired so
discussions will be set in a comfortable, confidential setting with no
judgments. Refreshments provided. Free!
New NLS Digital Talking Book Reader Demonstration:
February 25 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco
Mike L. Marlin, Manager,Braille and Talking Book Library at the
California State Library will be  demonstrating the new talking book
player.  This is your chance to get a hands on demonstration and ask
questions.  Everyone is welcome.

Participants needed for an AT&T focus group:
February 25   10:00am to12:30pm
$75.00 honorarium for participating
AT&T is looking for people who are blind or low vision to participate in
a focus groups in San Francisco
The focus groups will help AT&T explore preferences, perceptions and
what motivates customers with disabilities.   The goal is to provide
services and products that meet the needs of current and potential
customers; and to uncover opportunities to enhance service.   The focus
groups provide an important opportunity for consumers to share their
viewpoints and opinions.

Participants must be between 18 and 75 years of age, be a customer of
AT&T residential, internet, business or wireless service, and have sole
or equal responsibility for selecting telecommunications products and
services.  If you are interested in participating contact, Carmen Jones
of The Solutions Marketing Group at (703) 626-0651. Please respond by
February 13.
Free Tax Preparation Assistance:
Feburary 28 10:00pm to3:00
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco
If your 2008 household income was less than $45,000,
IRS-certified tax preparers will help you get the refund you deserve.
This is by appointment only contact
Phillip Kum at 415-694-7372. or via email
pkum at lighthouse-sf.org to reserve your space

Introduction to the Guide Dog Lifestyle
March 12
Presented by: Guide Dogs for the Blind
350 Los Ranchitos Road
San Rafael

A hands-on workshop for persons seriously considering a Guide Dog for
mobility. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with a
Guide Dog? Now is your chance! Sign up for an all-day workshop and get
hands-on experience working with a Guide Dog. Lunch will be provided.
For information and to RSVP contact: Jeanine Kitahata at (800) 295-4050,
Ext. 4199  or via email:  jkitahata at guidedogs.com

Beth Berenson
Program Coordinator
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA
Direct Line: 415-694-7322
Toll Free:1-888-400-8933
Email: bberenson at lighthouse-sf.org
Website:  www.lighthouse-sf.org

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