[Nfbc-info] Suggestion for the state and some local chapters
Michael Peterson
its.mike at att.net
Fri Oct 2 05:25:09 UTC 2009
Hi all. I want to commend the chapters and the state for matching grants
which I know have helped lots of people with convention expenses including
I am concerned however because the State of California, despite what
appeared to be promises it wouldn't cut us or would do so minimally is
delivering a nasty October surprise to many or all California SSI
We had major cuts earlier in the year but the rep told me today the new cut
is $76 each person across the board no matter if you receive $300 a month or
$960 a month SSI.
For Terra and my self the cuts are equavellent to giving one of us $26 a
month and not touching the other check.
In otherwords the SSI portion has been reduced by all most 50%.
Even if someone on this income meticulously planned for the convention and
put away so much money per month with this kind of reductionsthat you can't
anticipate it's all most like playing the stock market.
I only mention this because many of our leaders are in the working class and
might not be aware of how deeply this cuts are being made and if they were
aware they could help others who might really want to come but will not be
able to.
I'm sure this will happen on a case by case basis and each chapter must use
it's best judgment to make sure applicants have a need but I suggest that
perhaps at the board meeting if there is one prior to the convention or
privately chapters be polled to see if the new cutback impacts would be
If it does I suggest emergency matching grants for new applicants between
state and chapters.
This isn't about our situation we have help from our chapterand the state
all ready has provided matching grants for each chapter so I'm asking an
increased effort if needed.
This is about people that wanted to go planned to go and now can't because
of the new round of cuts. Even before this newest $76per month slash I know
for a fact some people want to come but finances won't allow them to.
regarding walkers: if any agencies are coming from cities such as Sacramento
for the day but not staying for the convention could would be walkers ride
in and back with them?
Some people really want to walk but can't afford to stay at convention even
with reduced rates sharing rooms etc.
Others want to walk but have to be back the next day to honor committments
work family schooland so on.
Maybe the affiliate could offer agencies who will help transport would be
walkers an incintive of $50 or $75 per walker to get them there and back or
could write off the transport of the walkers as a contribution from the
agency or business.
Those who have businesses coming to the walk from southern CA or Northern CA
could really help the bridge walk by bringing more walkers.
I personally salute Sendero for offering sponsorships which is an incintive
to walkers which might encourage some to sign up.
It would be great though for example if a company coming from Sacramento
wrote the list serve and said for those who just want to walk we have two
seats available for a passenger if there are any takers.
I'm sure in some cases the passenger would be glad to share gas.
This would help get him /her to and from the walk and it would help us in
the face of State budget cuts mainly impacting SSI recipients to have the
largest walk possible.
I won't be offended if these suggestions aren't taken just trying to think
out of the box of ways we can get more walkers.
The convention is of course always important but the walk can be a very
special statement as to who we are not just to the public but to the blind
community we can say the blind are active alive and well in California.
In my dream I see no less than 500 people who are blind crossing the golden
gate plus celebrities.
Perhaps but it's still my dream.
Maybe if I share it it will become your dream too and 50 walkers will become
100 and as we aproach the 22nd 100 will invite friends who invite their
friends and surprise from out of no where 500 will appear.
I see other states sending delegations of 25 or 50 to help
Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho, Arizona and any other surrounding states
I missed. Maybe smaller ones can only send two people but when the day is
done the New York walk against the publishers isn't an anomaly.
We with the help of our brothers and sisters on the west coast can cross the
bridge with 500.
It's doable!
And, with this killer State econamy it's a big loud statement of just how
important braille literacy is to us all!
Now before closing If you want to come and can't here's a few suggestions.
1. Call your local lions and Kiwanis club tell them you planned on walking
because braille is very important but due to state budget cuts you can't
come ask them to sponsor you and donate to the braille literacy cause even
offer to carry their banner.
2. Ask your local church or synagogue to sponsor you.
3. If you work for a company in the blindness field ask them if they would
send you or if you are connected to a 4 H club a group of puppy raisers,
ask them to let you represent them. Maybe
we can print up a flier thanking all the local companies and service groups
who will help.
sponsor you.
4. You might on campus ask your disabled students group or a fraternity or
sorrety to send you.
5. If you have a bunch of junk you could part with there is always a yard
6. If you planned on going but can't you could offer to help your chapter
bake and the proceeds could be used from a bake sale to send you to
convention or at least to the bridge walk.
7. Ask friends in lew of Christmas presents to give you money so you can
attend this very important event.
This by no means is a compleet list but maybe will help anyone brainstorm
who really wants to come.
I wish I could offer more but even if I could win publishers clearinghouse
it's not drawn until November 11 I think.
But I can encourage each of you don't give up we need you your voice is
really important!
If one person shows up who wasn't going to I have used my time wisely.
And maybe just maybe, dear reader, that person will be you.
God bless
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