[Nfbc-info] published letter

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 21 01:56:17 UTC 2010

Wonderful!  Good work.  Let's distribute.  I will do it if you don't.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <ckrugman at sbcglobal.net>
To: "NFBC" <nfbc-info at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 6:16 PM
Subject: [Nfbc-info] published letter

> Thought you would be interested in this exchange of letters to the editor 
> in the Fresno Bee.
> Chuck
> Blind can serve on juries
> Posted at 12:06 AM on Friday, Aug. 20, 2010I am greatly offended by the 
> Aug. 15 letter written by Sandy Johnson bemoaning the fact that her 
> 92-year-old mother, who is legally blind, was called for jury duty. As a 
> blind paralegal, I review and evaluate critical evidence every day.
> In California, and throughout the country, there are blind people who are 
> jurors, lawyers and judges who effectively carry out these duties on a 
> daily basis, and who are proud to serve in these capacities.
> While provisions for hardship exist for people to be excused from jury 
> duty, fortunately the court is aware of the provisions set forth in 
> California Code of Civil Procedure Section 203(a)6 and properly carries 
> out their duty to ensure that the right to serve as a juror is granted to 
> all eligible Fresno County residents.
> Rather than relying on negative stereotypes of the blind, perhaps Ms. 
> Johnson could help her mother and other blind people by becoming familiar 
> with the positive achievements and undertakings of the blind by 
> familiarizing herself with organizations such as the National Federation 
> of the Blind.
> Charles L. Krugman
> Fresno
> Clueless Superior Court
> Posted at 12:36 AM on Sunday, Aug. 15, 2010Well, once again, the Superior 
> Court of Fresno County has summoned my nearly 92-year-old mother to jury 
> duty. This is the second summons she has received in the past six months. 
> In addition to being elderly, and mom would not be insulted that I used 
> this term, she is legally blind and has been for nearly 20 years.
> The summons notice gives various reasons to claim you are ineligible, but 
> none of them fit her situation. If you are curious, you can check out 
> reasons you are ineligible on their website. So, once again, I have 
> written to the Superior Court to explain the circumstances.
> I had hoped that my first letter would take care of it, but apparently 
> that is not the case.
> I guess we just have to assume that the prospective jury pool in Fresno is 
> just so small that they need to select anyone who stands upright. No 
> matter that the juror cannot read or view any evidence. Of course, she 
> could just ignore the summons, not appear and then wait for a sheriff to 
> show up and arrest her. Won't he be surprised! If that is the case, I will 
> be sure to have the local TV stations filming the arresting officer. News 
> at 11!
> Sandy Johnson
> Coarsegold
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