[Nfbc-info] FW: [CCB-L] FW: Recruitment for Occupational Therapy Study Participants (youth with visual impairments ages 10 to 14)

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Tue Mar 30 07:33:05 UTC 2010

Original Message: 
From: "Richard Rueda" <richardrueda at sbcglobal.net>
To: <CCB-Presidents at ccbnet.org>, <ccb-l at ccbnet.org>,
<leadership at acb.org>, <cclvi at googlegroups.com>
Subject: [CCB-L] FW: Recruitment for Occupational Therapy Study
Participants (youth with visual impairments ages 10 to 14)
Sun, 28 Mar 2010 11:39:49 -0700

Hi I have been asked to distribute this notice far and wide.  Please
accordingly.  Please review the letter pasted in the body of this
I had to remove the same letter attached in Word since some of these
don't allow such attachments.  If you want it in a doc format, email me
offline and I'll be happy to send it to you.
Best Regards,

Richard Rueda
Director of Community Services
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco Ca 94102
415.694.7334 (voice mail)

College of Applied 
Sciences and Arts

Department of 
Occupational Therapy

One Washington Square
San José, CA  95192-0059
Voice: 	408-924-3071
Fax:	408-924-3088

Department Chair:
Dr. Heidi Pendleton

Post-Professional Program Director:
Dr. Pamela Richardson

The California State University:
Chancellor's Office
Bakersfield, Channel Islands ,Chico, 
Dominguez Hills, Fresno, Fullerton, Hayward, Humboldt, Long Beach, Los
Maritime Academy, Monterey Bay, Northridge, Pomona, Sacramento, San
San Diego, San Francisco, San José, 
San Luis Obispo, San Marcos, Sonoma, 
March 22, 2010

Re: Recruitment for Occupational Therapy Study Participants
Dear parent and/guardian,

In the field of occupational therapy, there is little direct information
from youth with visual impairments regarding their experiences. As both
and social engagement fall directly under the domain of occupational
therapy, our hope is that the input to this study may aid practitioners in
understanding the perspectives of children with visual impairments and the
effects that it has had on their play and social participation.
Participants being sought for this project include teens, aged 10-14
old, who are of "grade-level" for their age and who have no other
other than visual impairment. Visual impairments included in this study

*	Moderate Impairment: Best corrected visual acuity is less than 20/60
*	Severe (legal blindness): Best corrected visual acuity is less than
20/160 or visual field is 20 degrees or less. 
*	Profound (moderate blindness): Best corrected visual acuity is less
than 20/400, or visual field is 10 degrees or less. 
*	Near-total (severe blindness): Best corrected visual acuity is less
than 20/1000, or visual field is 5 degrees or less. 
*	Total (total blindness): no light perception. 
Other inclusions for this study are:

*	That the teen is of "grade level" and that a visual impairment is
the only type of disability for that youth, and that

*	 The teen, along with one (1) parent must be willing to participate
in the study.
The first part of this project involves a short web-based Sign-up Survey
parents to complete. Doing so should take no longer than 15 minutes (go
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DMQMT6D to complete the survey). If
from the initial pool of participants, the second part of this project
include a questionnaire completed by the parent & teen taking
30 minutes (sent via mail and conducted prior to the interviews),
by separate interviews for the teen and her/his parent taking
45- 60 minutes. Interviews will be conducted March 22, 2010 - April 23,
2010. The initial interview may be followed by phone or in person for
additional questions or clarification of responses from the initial
 	There is certainly no cost for participation, with the exception of
the time that takes to do the sign-up survey and to participate in the
interview. All participation in this study is voluntary and all
obtained from this study will be held in complete confidence. None of the
information will be reported in a way that enables others to identify the
respondents. No outside persons will have access to your names, or to your
answers, without you and your daughter/son's permission. 

There may be minimal risk involved in participating in this survey. While
participation into this survey will not benefit you or your daughter/son
directly, you and your daughter/son will have the opportunity to enhance
knowledge necessary to improving occupational therapy services for
with visual impairments in the future. If you have any concerns about the
risk/benefits of participating in this study, please feel free to contact
the investigators and/or the university's human research oversight board
(the Institutional Review Board or IRB) at the number listed below. 

We hope to publish the findings of these projects in the future, and to
provide a poster presentation at both state and national occupational
therapy association conferences. We are most grateful for your family's
in getting this project launched.

With many thanks for your assistance,

Jennifer Davis, Korina Lew & Laura Fairley			
Master's Candidates, Occupational Therapy			
San Jose State University					
Email: OTVIResearch at googlegroups.com
Sign-up Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DMQMT6D		
Anthony Fletcher, COMS
Associate Director/Chief Operations Officer
Lighthouse for the Blind
214 Van Ness Ave San Francisco, CA, 94102
Email: afletcher at lighthouse-sf.org

Institutional Review Board (IRB)				
The Office of Graduate Studies and Research		
San Jose State University					
One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95129



Richard Rueda
Director of Community Services
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired
214 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco Ca 94102
415.694.7334 (voice mail)

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