[Nfbc-info] Fw: Minutes for September 8, 2011 At Large Chapter meeting

Mary Willows mwillows at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 10 03:38:50 UTC 2011

Spread the word to all you know who are not in an area where there is a chapter. 
The At Large Chapter will meet tomorrow night by conference call.
Phone:  712-432-0175 and the code is 184220 pound.
See you there.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Shannon L. Dillon 
To: Mary Willows ; Robert Stigile ; Ever Lee Hairston ; Melissa Haney ; Jana Littrell ; Peg Halverson ; Louis Lucero ; Louis Lucero ; Ron Govin ; Ken Sawicki ; Miguel Mendez ; Karmalynne Rios ; jessmonsilva2003 at sbcglobal.net ; jessmonsilva at gmail.com ; Elizabeth Stewart ; Alexa Hanson ; Matthew VanFossan ; Tiffany Manosh ; Ron Burzese ; Hector Elias ; Mary Church ; Barbara Grant ; Marcus Jordan ; Chetan Bakhru ; Peg Halverson ; Tiffany Manosh ; shannonldillon at hotmail.com 
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 10:31 AM
Subject: Minutes for September 8, 2011 At Large Chapter meeting

National Federation of the Blind

Of California

At Large Chapter Meeting

September 8, 2011


1. Roll


Present: Robert Stigile, Shannon Dillon, Miguel Mendez, Louis Lucero and Mary Church.


Robert called the meeting to order at 7:07. 


2. Minutes


It is moved and seconded to approve the August minutes. All are in favor. The motion passes.


3. Membership


To pay dues and become a member of the At Large chapter, you must send in an application to Mary Willows and pay dues.  Shannon will send out the application. Mary Church also requests an application. Shannon will check with Mary about sending application or will send an application to Miguel and Mary Church.


4. Braille Readers Are Leaders


There is a contest for K-12 and one for adults. Registration process will begin October 1. The contest will start November 1 and end January 4. It is a contest where you read as many pages as you can in Braille. The top winners are brought to the national convention in Dallas. You can get more information at wwwnfb.org or at braillereadersareleaders.org.


5. Meet the Blind Month


Robert explains Meet the Blind Month. He discusses activities you might participate in for Meet the Blind Month and says to let the national center know if we engage in an exciting or unusual activity.


National is selling Meet the Blind T-shirts this year. Contact the national center for more information.


6. Web Accessability Consortium


There will be a Web accessability consortium on September 19 in Baltimore. It will be an all-day event concerning Web access. There will be companies showing how their Web sites are accessible.

7. Blio


Blio is a book-reading technology that KNFB Technologies has created. It is usable on the PC, iPhone, iPod, or iPad. It is a bookstore that is accessible to blind people. You can get the software from blio.com. Then you can go through the bookstore of Blio to buy books.



8. NFBC State Convention


Robert, Mary, Miguel and Shannon will be attending the state convention. Robert suggests that we register. The bonus of pre-registering. All three meals, inprov comedy club and registration is $95. You can also choose meals individually if you do not want to purchase the entire package. If you wait until convention, it will cost $120. Deadline for booking your hotel room is September 28. Deadline for pre-registration is October 6. 


a. Scholarships


Application for scholarships is at www.sixdots.org and deadline is September 15.


b. Resolutions


Robert reminds everyone that the Resolutions Committee will meet Friday morning of the convention. We will hear the resolutions that have been submitted. They will make it to the floor on Sunday. If you are considering making a Resolution have them get in touch with Robert by September 30.


c. CAGDU Seminar


Shannon announces the CAGDU seminar on October 13 from 1:00 to 4:00.


d. Mary Willows says Newark police will escort us up Balentine for our walk.  


e. We have a comedy improv group coming from 8:00 to 9:30 on Friday evening. 


f. Joe Ruffalo will be our national rep.


g. Miguel is inviting a bunch of new people to convention and asks everyone to make sure to get to know them. 


h. Robert mentions that people can check a box when they register indicating they are new to the convention. It asks if they belong to a chapter. People who are first-time attendees will be entered into a drawing.


i. Miguel invites people to his room after the commedy night Friday night.


Shannon moves to adjourn. Mary seconds the motion. All are in favor. The motion passes.



From: shannonldillon at hotmail.com
To: mwillows at sbcglobal.net; rstigile at sbcglobal.net; ever.hairston at gmail.com; frommissy2u at yahoo.com; janadlittrell at sbcglobal.net; phalverson at societyfortheblind.org; louis.lucero at gmail.com; llucero at avc.edu; rgovin at dor.ca.gov; ksawicki at avc.edu; miguelmendez7 at gmail.com; snowbird170 at yahoo.com; jessmonsilva2003 at sbcglobal.net; jessmonsilva at gmail.com; elizabethbstewart at att.net; yesalexa at verizon.net; mattandgilly at gmail.com; tmanosh at sbcglobal.net; rrburzese at gmail.com; hectorelias9 at gmail.com; mchurchgirl at charter.net; brab6012 at yahoo.com; lvjordan at aol.com; chetan at bakhru.net; peg.jolene at gmail.com; tmanosh at gmail.com; shannonldillon at hotmail.com
Subject: Application for At Large Chapter
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 15:34:48 -0700

You can become a member online via the online form and pay your dues online as well. Go to:



From: shannonldillon at hotmail.com
To: mwillows at sbcglobal.net; rstigile at sbcglobal.net; ever.hairston at gmail.com; frommissy2u at yahoo.com; janadlittrell at sbcglobal.net; phalverson at societyfortheblind.org; louis.lucero at gmail.com; llucero at avc.edu; rgovin at dor.ca.gov; ksawicki at avc.edu; miguelmendez7 at gmail.com; snowbird170 at yahoo.com; jessmonsilva2003 at sbcglobal.net; jessmonsilva at gmail.com; elizabethbstewart at att.net; yesalexa at verizon.net; mattandgilly at gmail.com; tmanosh at sbcglobal.net; rrburzese at gmail.com; hectorelias9 at gmail.com; mchurchgirl at charter.net; brab6012 at yahoo.com; lvjordan at aol.com; chetan at bakhru.net; peg.jolene at gmail.com
Subject: RE: Minutes for August 11, 2011 At Large Chapter meeting
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 16:52:28 -0700

Minutes for August 11, 2011 in Word 97/2003 format.


From: shannonldillon at hotmail.com
To: mwillows at sbcglobal.net; rstigile at sbcglobal.net; ever.hairston at gmail.com; frommissy2u at yahoo.com; janadlittrell at sbcglobal.net; phalverson at societyfortheblind.org; louis.lucero at gmail.com; llucero at avc.edu; rgovin at dor.ca.gov; ksawicki at avc.edu; miguelmendez7 at gmail.com; snowbird170 at yahoo.com; jessmonsilva2003 at sbcglobal.net; jessmonsilva at gmail.com; elizabethbstewart at att.net; yesalexa at verizon.net; mattandgilly at gmail.com; tmanosh at sbcglobal.net; rrburzese at gmail.com; hectorelias9 at gmail.com; mchurchgirl at charter.net; brab6012 at yahoo.com; lvjordan at aol.com; chetan at bakhru.net; peg.jolene at gmail.com
Subject: Minutes for August 11, 2011 At Large Chapter meeting
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 13:32:26 -0700

Attached please find the minutes for the August 11, 2011 At Large chapter meeting. See you Thursday. Thank you.

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