[Nfbc-info] Chapter Baskets for NFBC State Convention

Joy Stigile jstigile at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 3 21:19:57 UTC 2012

Dear Lisa Maria,

Hi, my chapter asked different stores in our neighborhoods for donations to 
put in our basket.   Some of us did some baking to add in.

I think you should leave your basket just the way it is.  You never know 
what the final bid will be.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lisamaria Martinez" <lmartinez217 at gmail.com>
To: "NFB of California List" <nfbc-info at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Nfbc-info] Chapter Baskets for NFBC State Convention

> Hello,
> The East Bay chapter had our August meeting last night and we
> discussed the idea of a themed basket for our affiliate fundraiser to
> be held at state convention this year. we were all a bit confused with
> the idea of low end and high end baskets and felt that the concept of
> low end had a ring of negativity to it. We have tentatively decided on
> a theme which would put our basket at a low cost value of about $25,
> but now knowing that a "low end" basket is to be valued at $10, we are
> going to need to go back to the drawing board or reclassify our basket
> for the high end baskets.
> are there any other chapters out there struggling with this or is it
> just me and our chapter?
> I guess I'm mentally struggling over the fact that I can barely buy
> lunch for $10 so how are chapters suppose to put together a basket for
> an auction fundraiser for $10?
> Couldn't we just start the bidding at a $1? Or put a cap to the
> bidding? Or a cap on bidding increments? Just some thoughts on having
> a successful auction.
> Last year, many of us joined forces and were able to bid on baskets
> with joint money and that is why some of the baskets went as high as
> they did. We all felt like it was a fundraiser and a good cause. And
> by the way, I'm still talking about my coffee basket. I forget what
> chapter put that basket together, but I love the coffee cups that were
> apart of the basket. And I love the whole idea behind coffee. So
> thanks for something that brings joy to me everytime I drink coffee.
> Anyways, perhaps I'm totally missing something here and apologies for
> exasperating anyone on the list with my Friday morning struggles, I
> truly would appreciate any type of clarification. I'm feeling like I'm
> the only person who doesn't quite get something everyone else
> understands like a math problem everyone but me can solve.
> Many, many thanks,
> LM
> On 8/2/12, Joy Stigile <jstigile at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Dear Lisa Maria,
>> At our last 2 state conventions we have had an auction during the banquet
>> dinner to help raise funds for our affiliate.  Last year all of our 
>> baskets
>> were in the high end.  Which means all of the baskets started bidding at
>> about $20 and ended around $100.  This year the chapter presidents and 
>> board
>> members thought that may have left out a lot of members who could not bid
>> that high.  So, this year the chapters are being asked to make high end
>> (valued at $100) and a low end ($10) baskets.
>> I hope this helps to   explain it more clear to you.
>> ,  Warmly, Joy
>> ---- Original Message -----
>> From: "Lisamaria Martinez" <lmartinez217 at gmail.com>
>> To: "NFB of California List" <nfbc-info at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 4:21 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Nfbc-info] Chapter Baskets for NFBC State Convention
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm a bit confused.
>>> When you say high end and low end, do we choose one or is the basket a
>>> combo of high end and low end products? Could you possibly give
>>> examples to make this a little clearer?
>>> Mucho Thanks,
>>> LM
>>> On 7/31/12, Jeri siqueiros <jsiqueiros111 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Calling All California Chapters:
>>>> The 2012 National Federation of the Blind of California is excited to
>>>> announce that our state convention is around the corner. October
>>>> 18th-23rdNFBC will gather at The Embassy Suites in Los Angeles. Last
>>>> year,
>>>> the NFBC Affiliate had a very successful basket auction. We are proud 
>>>> to
>>>> invite all chapters to please donate a basket for the auction. Last 
>>>> year
>>>> chapters had basket "themes" (i.e.Movie Lovers, Coffee, Technology,
>>>> Bath,
>>>> etc) and they were great!
>>>> This year we would like to ask that there be a high end and low end
>>>> auction
>>>> making it possible for all Federationists to get involved with the
>>>> auction
>>>> and bid. To assist in making this possible The Southwest Riverside
>>>> COunty
>>>> Chapter is asking that all chapter presidents bring the idea to your
>>>> next
>>>> chapter meeting and get ideas from chapter members. Planning ahead will
>>>> allow chapters to either get donations or purchase items to put in the
>>>> baskets.  Prior to convention chapters will be told where and who they
>>>> can
>>>> give baskets to upon arrival at hotel.
>>>> We are asking that when a decision has been made on your chapters theme
>>>> please contact Jeri Siqueiros-Ramirez (Southwest Riverside County
>>>> President)
>>>> and give her your name and basket's theme. Her email is
>>>> jsiqueiros111 at gmail
>>>> or you can call her 951-445-2520. NFBC would like to thank you and is
>>>> looking forward to a successful convention and seeing you all there!
>>>> "When we do the best we can, we never know  what miracle is wrought in
>>>> our
>>>> life, or in the life of another..." Helen Keller
>>>> Jeri Siqueiros-Ramirez
>>>> Sent from my iPad2
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