[Nfbc-info] Invitation to the February meeting of the San Francisco Chapter

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 15:59:23 UTC 2012

 	Hello to all!

 The San Francisco Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of
 California would like to extend an open AND FRIENDLY invitation to all
whom are interested
 To join us for our monthly chapter meeting.

 Who: The membership and officers of the San Francisco chapter of the
 National Federation of the blind of California (NFBC SF Chapter)

 When: Saturday February 18,, 2012 from 1-3 pm.

 Where: The San Francisco Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually
 Impaired.  214 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102

 Why:   to discuss matters of concern, share stories and experiences,
 as well as become more socially connected to other blind and visually
 impaired persons
   In the San Francisco bay area.

 How:  Just show up! - We are located Between Grove and Hays near San
 Francisco City Hall. We are accessible by SF muni lines 47, 49, 31 and
 F Market.  Also
 Accessible via BART and Muni metro subway lines at Civic Center station

 At our upcoming meeting we will have:
 A report from our December fundraiser

  Updates on current organizational, and state  Affiliate goings-ons.

  The Anuel election  of chapter officers (remember, in order to vote,
 you must be a chapter member, and  have  paid your $5 dues).> And more!

 If you have any questions please contact chapter president Eric Holm at
  or at

 ericholm at att.net
 .  We welcome your presence, energy, ideas and enthusiasm; and look
 forward to seeing you at our next NFBC San Francisco chapter

 Darian Smith,  National Federation of the Blind, San Francisco Chapter

 Darian Smith

 "To dream what is possible and to put oneself in service of that dream is
 for a life well lived."

 - Dr. Peter Benson

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