[Nfbc-info] Fwd: Updated California Chemistry Camp ProgramAnnouncement
Hoby Wedler
hobywedler at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 02:40:15 UTC 2012
I understand.
However, if we got maybe 10 people out of the 7000 who were, I think that
would be a win-win situation.
-- Hoby
-----Original Message-----
From: David Andrews
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 7:01 PM
To: NFB of California List
Subject: Re: [Nfbc-info] Fwd: Updated California Chemistry Camp
I am reluctant to send it to a 7000 person list,
most of whom aren't interested and/or eligible.
At 01:05 AM 3/20/2012, you wrote:
>Thanks, Dave! Could you send it to the main NFB master list? Thanks, --
>Hoby -----Original Message----- From: David Andrews Sent: Monday, March 19,
>2012 6:53 PM To: NFB of California List Subject: Re: [Nfbc-info] Fwd:
>Updated California Chemistry Camp ProgramAnnouncement I did send it to some
>other lists. Dave At 01:58 PM 3/19/2012, you wrote: >Dave, Could you please
>circulate this on lists outside of California, like >the NFB Master List?
>Thanks! -- Hoby -----Original Message----- From: David >Andrews Sent:
>Sunday, March 18, 2012 1:51 PM To: david.andrews at nfbnet.org >Subject:
>[Nfbc-info] Fwd: Updated California Chemistry Camp >ProgramAnnouncement I
>have been asked to circulate this. I am told they >are seeking
>applications for students outside of California. Dave > >Hello, > > >Please
>distribute this far and wide. It’™s the new chemiemistry camp
> >program >announcement with the later application due date. >Dave, please
> >send this to the NFB Master List as we’re accepting studeudents >from
> >outside Calialifornia as well. >Many thanks, >-- >Hoby Wedler > >Chemistry
>Camp Coordinator > >Announcing the 2012 California >Chemistry Camp! > > >
> >Would you like to learn how blind people tackle the >very visual subject
>of >organic chemistry successfully? Do you have a >general love for
>science? Do >you want to learn how you can do chemistry as >a blind person
>just as >successfully as your sighted peers? Do you want to >apply the
>chemistry you >learned to food such as olive oil? Are you >interested in
>how blind >professionals use science in their careers every >day? Then the
>2012 >California Chemistry Camp is for you! > >Come join the >National
>Federation of the Blind of California, the >California Association >of
>Blind Students, the Lighthouse for the Blind of >San Francisco, the
> >University of California, Davis chemistry department, >TPG Capital, and up
> >to fifteen blind and low-vision high school students >for an Educational,
> >exciting, and Fun-Filled weekend of science! > >There's still time to
>apply >for the 2012 California Chemistry Camp! >The new application
>deadline is >April 5, 2012. > >To see more about the camp and apply online,
> >go to: > ><http://www.sixdots.org>www.sixdots.org >a nd follow the link to
>the >application! >We hope to see you in Northern California in a little
>more >than a month! >This should be a life-changing experience! > >Yours
> >sincerely, > >-- Henry (Hoby) Wedler >Chemistry Camp Coordinator >
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