[Nfbc-info] Enjoy Free Drinks on a Beautiful Beach Complements of the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Tue Oct 23 15:37:24 UTC 2012

Greetings Fellow Federationists:


A while ago, I wrote all of you about supporting the National Federation of
the Blind of Colorado through our Amazing Vacation Raffle.  My heart felt
thanks goes out to all of you have supported us thus far!


This is now your last chance  to participate in this raffle because we will
be drawing the winning ticket this Saturday evening at our Annual Banquet
and we need to close on line sales by the end of tomorrow, Wednesday,
October 24th because we won't have time to organize on line sales while we
are at our annual state convention being held this weekend in Boulder,


What can you win?  A $3500.00 travel gift certificate to a travel agency.
Any one in the world can win  this certificate to travel anywhere  in the
world.  You don't even have to use it  all at once.  You can break it up
inot a few trips and related travel purchases from the agency.


What is the cost?  The cost of one ticket is $10 and you can get three for


How do you purchase tickets?  Please go to www.nfbco.org and click on the
vacation travel raffle link and follow the instructions from there


What does this fundraiser support?  It supports our college scholarship
program for blind students and our braille literacy program called BELL for
blind youth.


Again, please go to www.nfbco.org and purchase your tickets.  Thanks once
more to all those who have purchased tickets already.  Please contact me
with any questions.



Scott C. LaBarre, President


National Federation of the Blind of Colorado


Direct Dial:  303 504-5979

Email: slabarre at labarrelaw.com


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