[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: Position Announcement - Rehabilitation Teacher - Kansas City, MO

Michael Hingson info at michaelhingson.com
Wed Aug 6 15:20:07 UTC 2014



From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2014 05:40 AM
Subject: Position Announcement - Rehabilitation Teacher - Kansas City, MO



Good Afternoon,


Missouri Rehabilitation Services for the Blind has a vacancy for a
Rehabilitation Teacher in our Kansas City-North District Office.  Please see
below or review the attached position announcement for additional
information.  If you have further questions regarding the position please
contact District Supervisor, Rekha Nanchal, at 816-889-2850.  Thank you.


Michael St.Julien

Assistant Deputy Director

Missouri Rehabilitation Services for the Blind

573-751-4989 (Office)

573-680-4074 (Cell)

573-751-4984 (Fax)

michael.a.stjulien at dss.mo.gov 


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Family Support Division, Rehabilitation Services for the Blind

August 1, 2014



The Family Support Division, Rehabilitation Services for the Blind, is
seeking candidates for a full-time position as Rehabilitation Teacher for
the Blind. This position is based in Jackson County at the Rehabilitation
Services for the Blind's Kansas City-North District Office located at 615 E.
13th St., Kansas City, Missouri.  

JOB DUTIES: The Rehabilitation Teacher (RT) participates as the member of a
rehabilitation team including Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and
Orientation and Mobility Specialists to provide comprehensive services to
clients.   The RT serves as the case manager for all Vocational
Rehabilitation clients whose vocational goal is homemaker and for all
Independent Living Rehabilitation clients.  The Rehabilitation Teacher
provides direct client services designed to foster independence for blind
and visually impaired clients and includes the provision of services in a
variety of settings including the client's home environment.  The RT will
assess client needs and develop a comprehensive plan for adjustment to
blindness training, including teaching skills necessary to develop
independence in daily living, homemaking activities, and basic travel needs.
Rehabilitation Teachers provide instruction in Braille, typing and other
communication skills, as needed.  RT's provide counseling services and
informational resources to clients and their families and works
cooperatively with agency partners to utilize available resources.

QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must have graduated from an accredited four-year
college or university with specialization in orientation and mobility,
rehabilitation counseling, education, social work, behavioral sciences, home
economics (with emphasis in home management) or closely related areas.
Proficiency in and the ability to teach alternative skills of blindness
including daily living skills techniques, Braille, and basic orientation and
mobility skills is preferred. 


PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: The individual must also be able to demonstrate
proficiency in and teach Braille, alternative skills of blindness and basic
orientation and mobility, before the end of probation as evidenced by
successfully completing and obtaining a passing score on a recognized
Braille test evaluated by Rehabilitation Services for the Blind. 


SALARY RANGE:  Annual salary range is $33,408.00 - $47,412.00


HOW TO APPLY: Interested applicants who meet the required qualifications as
specified above for this position must forward a completed Paper Application
for Merit System Employment at ( <http://oa.mo.gov/pers/howtoapply.htm>
http://oa.mo.gov/pers/howtoapply.htm) and transcripts to
<mailto:Annette.Summers at dss.mo.gov> Annette.Summers at dss.mo.gov or fax number
314 - 877-2761.  Upon accessing the web site select "Paper Application Form"
as the EASe on-line process is not yet available for this position. Even if
you are already on a register, you must submit a Paper Application for Merit
System Employment and transcripts to Ms. Summers by the close of business on
Friday August 15 , 2014.  Questions regarding these positions can be
directed to Ms. Rekha Nanchal at 816-889-2850.


RECRUITMENT AREA: Accepting Applications from all qualified candidates


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, August 15, 2014 by 5:00 PM


     Applications will be subjected to review prior to scheduling interviews






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