[Nfbc-info] With permission from Jonathan Mosen

Nancy Lynn freespirit.stl at att.net
Fri Aug 8 19:58:51 UTC 2014

I got this from another list and thought some of you might want to participate.
If you are blind or visually impaired and wear hearing aids, Mosen 
  Consulting would be grateful for your help.

  Jonathan Mosen and Bonnie Lannom are seeking interview subjects for a 

  book on the social, attitudinal, and technological challenges faced by 

  blind people who also wear hearing aids. If you'd like to help, we'll 

  send you a Word document containing an extensive survey that we hope 

  will encourage you to share your experiences. There is also the 

  possibility of a follow-up phone interview. You can contribute 

  anonymously or potentially have your comments attributed to you in the 

  book, whichever you prefer.

  Examples of the issues we're interested in covering include experiences 

  bad and good working with audiologists, funding, situations you avoid, 

  technologies you've tried that have been helpful, and technologies 

  you've tried that have not.

  The goal of the book is to educate current and future blind hearing aid 

  users, blindness professionals, hearing aid manufacturers and 

  audiologists on the specific social and technological needs people with 

  dual sensory loss face when being fitted for hearing devices.

  Participants can be any age from any where in the world. 

  Professionals working in the field of blindness are also encouraged to 

  participate. If you are interested in completing the survey or want 

  more information, please 

  (http://mosen.org/index.php/contact-jonathan/>complete the Mosen 

  Consulting Contact Form and we'll be in touch by email.

  We would also appreciate it if you would circulate this announcement 

  widely to people you think may be interested in participating.

  We're mindful that there is also a book to be written on the needs of 

  blind people who wear cochlea implants. We understand a separate book 

  is being planned on this subject and consider this an important and 

  separate matter requiring a book of its own.

  Thanks in advance to all who are willing to help us produce a resource 

  we are sure will make a valuable contribution.


  Jonathan Mosen

  Mosen Consulting

  Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training 


  “Jonathan Mosen" <jonathan at mosen.org>

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