[Nfbc-info] Organizing Call.

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 07:02:01 UTC 2014

Hello All: 
 please forgive the  short notice of the below announcement and I hope that all who have interest might be present    despite  this. 

 Fellow  Federationests,
 This Sunday the National Federation of the Blind of  California will continue in our work  as a   part of the 75 days of action initiative as we Organize a new Division of the NFBc in the National Federation of the Blind of   California Community Service Division. 
The NFBC Community  Service Division  will be established to encourage the blind to   become active  participants in our local  communities as the  givers in service  as opposed to the takers we are far too often  perceived to be.
   we will change perceptions  through community service and advocacy, and show  through these means   that  the blind can do, will do, and are doing the work to address our societies’ most pressing problems  by working shoulder to shoulder with our sighted peers to do it.

 The organizing will take place on Sunday, September 21 at 5p.m. 
 via   conference call, and all who have interest in this division may join if they so  choose.
 The Call-in information is as follows:
(712)432-0140. access code: 808277
  Look forward to hearing you all then! questions?
Please e-mail me at: dsmithnfb at gmail.com
 Let’s live the lives we want  through service and   advocacy!
 yours in the movement,
  Darian Smith         

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