[Nfbc-info] Notice: CABS Wendy's Night Has Been Postponed to 3/2

Miso Kwak kwakmiso at aol.com
Tue Feb 24 00:14:25 UTC 2015

We would like to inform you that the official event date for California 
Association of Blind Students (CABS) Wendy's Night has been postponed 
due to poor weather condition including rain and thunderstorms in 
Burbank and San Fernando Valley region.
The official event date and time will be March Monday 2nd 2015 between 
4 PM and 9 PM.
However, if you were planning to go tonight, your purchase with the 
flier will still benefit CABS with 20% of proceeds.
We apologize for any inconvenience
Below is Facebook event page with changed date and I am also attaching 
a flier that reflects time change, though both this flier and previous 
flier will be accepted.
We hope everyone in the affected area will be safe tonight and hope to 
see you next evening.
Miso Kwak & Roselyn Perez

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