[Nfbc-info] FW: NCIL 2015 Annual Conference Youth Scholarship Application

Angela Fowler angelaf at freed.org
Tue May 5 15:59:58 UTC 2015


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[Image removed by sender. Alt text: Generation ADA: Rise Up! 2015 Annual Conference on Independent Living (Image: red power fist outlined by a black circle)]

July 27-30, 2015; Grand Hyatt, Washington DC
NCIL 2015 Annual Conference Youth Scholarship Application
Thanks to the tremendous support of The HSC Foundation and the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation through the Youth Transitions National Support Fund, Walmart, and the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability, NCIL is proud to release the NCIL 2015 Youth Scholarship Application<https://t.e2ma.net/click/j816h/vlch3r/fxy9vb>. We are prioritizing applicants who are working directly with a CIL, SILC, a school, and other disability and / or social justice organizations to find additional funding. Please share this opportunity with your networks and with the Deaf and Disabled young people in your community!​
Since the passage of the ADA, an entire generation of young people with disabilities has grown up: #GenerationADA. These young people and advocates are here; ready to be included and supported to lead. In honor of the ADA 25th anniversary, the 2015 NCIL Conference is committed to engaging and supporting #GenerationADA. As Deaf and Disabled young people, your attendance is integral to the Conference and your existence and advocacy is crucial to the Independent Living and Disability Rights Movement. Therefore, NCIL invites you to apply for this Youth Scholarship.
The only requirements to apply are:

  *   identifying as a Deaf person and / or a person with a disability or disabilities; and
  *   being 26 years old or younger (NCIL categorizes “youth” as 26 years old or younger).
Additionally, we would like to have as many youth as possible attend, thus we are more likely to grant funding to applicants who are working with Centers for Independent Living, Statewide Independent Living Councils, other disability and social justice organizations, and / or schools to gain additional funding. However, please apply even if you do not have other sources of funding!
As we are committed to bringing a diverse group of youth with disabilities to the NCIL Conference, we encourage low income youth, youth of color, LGBTQIA youth, English Language Learners, returning citizens, and other multiply marginalized youth to apply.
Please note: Due to limited funds, the scholarships will most likely not cover all costs. NCIL’s Youth Caucus will be soon releasing resource guides and tips for finding other funding streams. The scholarship deadline is rolling, so we will be accepting applicants until funding is fully committed. Please contact Allie Cannington, Youth Transition Fellow, and Maddy Ruvolo, NCIL Youth Caucus Chair, with any questions and / or comments at allie at ncil.org<mailto:allie at ncil.org?subject=Youth%20Scholarship> and mcilmaddy at gmail.com<mailto:mcilmaddy at gmail.com?subject=Youth%20Scholarship>.

[Image removed by sender. NCIL Logo: National Counncil on Independent Living]

2013 H St. Northwest | Sixth Floor | Washington, DC 20006

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