[Nfbc-info] Deadline is tomorrow! 31 Entry Level Positions Open in CA

Cervenka, Stacy@DOR Stacy.Cervenka at dor.ca.gov
Wed May 27 16:02:12 UTC 2015

Hi, everyone,

As you know, California is currently recruiting 31 Work Incentives
Planners statewide. These positions are at the Staff Services Analyst
level, which is a good entry level classification. No specific
experience as a work incentives planner is necessary; those hired will
be trained by DOR. The online application will likely be pulled
tomorrow, so apply today!

In order to apply, you must do two things:

1.	An applicant must take the Staff Services Analyst exam. If you
pass the exam, you are eligible to apply for any position at the Staff
Services Analyst level (including Work Incentives Planner, Employment
Coordinator, Service Coordinator, and others).
		The exam can be found here:
2.	Once an applicant has passed the exam, the application for the
WIP position is here:

See below for more information and encourage interested applicants to
apply today!


From: Connors, Brian at DOR 
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 8:00 AM
Subject: Please share with your networks: DOR is advertising for 31 Work
Incentives Planner (WIP) positions throughout the state 

The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is excited to advertise openings
for 31 Work Incentives Planner (WIP) positions throughout the state at
the Staff Services Analyst (SSA) level. 

The WIP position is new to the DOR. WIPs provide a valuable and critical
service to DOR consumers receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
and/or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. WIPs work
within the Vocational Rehabilitation Service Delivery (VRSD) team to
provide intensive, individualized work incentives planning services.
These services empower consumers to make an informed choice about
employment with an understanding of how it may impact their benefits and
become self-sufficient. 

The DOR is currently accepting applications from interested candidates
who have SSA list eligibility. For more information about the job
posting, please visit CalHR at:

The DOR will begin interviews soon and anticipates filling the 31
positions immediately upon budget approval for State Fiscal Year

Please share with interested parties or DOR consumers that may be
interested in these positions.

Thank you,
 <<WIP Position Cover Letter v.2 5-19-15.docx>> 

Brian Connors
Statewide Coordinator for Social Security
Department of Rehabilitation
721 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA  95814
(916) 650-6937
(916) 558-5402 (fax)
Watch "I Can Work" and other great DOR videos at
Social Security publications: http://www.socialsecurity.gov/pubs/

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