[Nfbc-info] thoughts

Charles Krugman ckrugman at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 21 13:45:07 UTC 2015

Hi Susan,
you make valid points. While I’ve only had contact with Rob through the NFB California list serve I received the email twice once from the list serve and again in my personal email. Actually I ignored it until I noticed the controversy and went back and read it. It seemed a bit shocking as it seemed to be out of character from the other communications that I have had with him in response to various issues. I think that I am bothered by the mass hysteria in response to it and the need for people to do the thing that they objected to by sending their responses to everyone on his email list rather than investigating by contacting him personally. As I work in the l    legal field I see where this type of response can potentially be very dangerous  and I would have thought that a more tactful method could have been used to address this rather than a public shaming as I am aware that he has had some serious personal issues to deal with recently.
Chuck Krugman

From: Susan J Young 
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 7:03 AM
To: Tiffany Manosh ; Linda Mentink 
Cc: Rob Kaiser ; Becky Frankeberger ; Beth Koenig ; Betsy Ross Miale ; Bill Reif ; Bonita Rich ; Brian ; Carla Lewis ; mailto:Cathleen.Coombs-Stephens at dor.ca.gov ; Charles Krugman ; cheryl thurston ; Chris Greulich ; Daniel Love Glazer ; Danyelle Cerillo ; David Meyer ; Delia Garcia ; Don Gillmore ; Edwin ; Eric Calhoun ; Ever Lee Hairston ; Gary Barsch ; Gina Falvo ; Glenn ; mailto:helga.schreiber26 at gmail.com ; Hilda Sandifer ; Hoby Wedler ; Jemal Powell ; Jim Kaiser ; Jo Elizabeth Pinto ; Joanne Jordan ; John and Deanna Bates ; josh lester ; Joy Stigile ; Karmalynne ; Kay Brown ; Kelly Pierce ; Kelsey Nicolay ; Kevan Worley ; Kia Vaca ; Kim Ha ; knitangelpm ; Lauren Merryfield ; Lee Bradley ; Lee Bradley ; Leslie Hamric ; Lin H. ; Lin Hunnicutt ; Lisa Bonderson ; Lisa Irving ; Marilyn Moore ; Mark Schafer ; Mary Watkins ; Mary Willows ; Mat Nelson ; Maureen Johnson ; Melissa Earley ; Merv Keck ; Michael Gail ; Michael Hingson ; Michael Mills ; Mike Bartell ; Mike Freeman ; Nancy Lynn ; NFB of California List ; Nicki Keck ; NOMC Lisamaria Martinez ; Olga Peterkin ; mailto:Pamela.Chase at dor.ca.gov ; Patricia Kaiser ; Paul Baker ; Peter Joseph ; Phil Brayden ; Pittman Enterprises & Associates ; mailto:prayer at fumco.org ; ramona. longoria ; Rick Watson ; Robert Kuehn ; Robert Martin ; Robert Stigile ; Rochelle Houston ; roda woolman ; Ron and anita Kelley ; Rose Sloan ; Sandra Gayer ; Shirly Catz ; Snow White Dove ; Steve Olear ; Steven Hastalis ; Sue Mueller ; Sue Sweetman ; Sugar ; Tim Elder ; Timothy Clark Music ; Tina Thomas ; Toby Weissman ; Tom and Sue Kroshell ; Wendy Burchik 
Subject: Re: thoughts

Dear people- Why should we think the worst of Rob?  Perhaps his e-mail has been "hacked" and this is not really coming from him.  I would wait to pass judgement on this until I know more.

If you are Christians and consider him to be so, why would you rush to judgement?  Referring to him as "that person" is rather offensive to me, since I have know Rob for a long, long time back here in Illinois.  If these things are true, perhaps something has happened to him that needs help to be offered, because this is not the Rob I have known for over 25 years. 

I also received that offensive e-mail and my first thought was that Rob's e-mail had been hacked, but if that is not the case, how can an organization that is dedicated to helping, not come at this with a questioning mind first, and helping if needed posture, rather than taking action against "that person"?

Sue Young

On Thursday, November 19, 2015 10:52 PM, Tiffany Manosh <tmanosh at gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Linda & All,

Please read the message below that Mary Willows, President of the National Federation of the Blind of California wrote earlier today.

Hello Everyone:
I am writing to let all of you know that I have requested that the sender of that very offensive email be removed from our list.  I had asked this person to keep comments on topic for the list and that didn’t happen.  We will not tolerate abuse of our list and our listers.  I saw one more message slip through this afternoon but I do not think you will see anymore messages on our list from that person.  
Thank you for your support.

-Mary Willows, President
National Federation of the Blind of California 

On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 7:15 PM, Linda Mentink <mentink at frontiernet.net> wrote:

  I'm not impressed, Rob. You claim to be a Christian, and you send stuff like this! Shame on you.

  Also, you shouldn't put all our email addresses so that they can be seen by anyone. This is a big list, but you can put it in the BCC field, and it won't show. That helps to protect us all from spammers.



  At 01:49 PM 11/18/2015, Rob Kaiser wrote:

    Here are some interesting thoughts.

    Rob Kaiser
    Hm# (442)242-7044
    rcubfank at sbcglobal.net

                A: It's the same as a French kiss, but 'down under'.

                Q: WHAT DO YOU DO WITH 365 USED CONDOMS?
                A: Melt them down, make a tire, and call it a Goodyear .

                A: Because when they come, they're wet and wild, and when they go,
                    they take your house and car with them.

                A: Because they don't have any balls to scratch...

                BONUS QUESTION
                Q: What is a man's Ultimate embarrassment?
                A: Running into a wall with an erection and breaking his nose.

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