[Nfbc-info] BARD Service Down

Lisamaria Martinez, NOMC lmartinez217 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 00:14:41 UTC 2015

Is there anything as patrons of the library that we can do to ensure that our axis is restored? Do we need to make phone calls or send emails to ensure that the communication channels no that denying the blind and print disabled community access to books is a huge problem. Please tell us how we can help. 


 from my iPhone

> On Sep 2, 2015, at 12:21 PM, Braille and Talking Book Library at CSL <btbl at library.ca.gov> wrote:
> Hello,
> If you are a BARD user you may have noticed that the BARD website and mobile app have not been consistently accessible over the last few days. The following is a message from the National Library Service regarding this issue:
> “NLS is experiencing technical problems with communication channels administered by the Library of Congress that are necessary to run BARD. We are making every effort to fix the problem and restore service.”
> This is all the information we have at the present time.  We do not know when the BARD service will be back up and running.  Please keep checking the BARD site to see if it has been restored.
> Thank you for your patience and understanding!
> Braille and Talking Book Library

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