[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: California Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint Announcement

Michael Hingson mike at michaelhingson.com
Thu Nov 17 15:44:05 UTC 2016



From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 6:54 PM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR <Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov>
Subject: California Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint Announcement



Stakeholder Update: California Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint 


"Real Work for Real Pay in the Real World"


We are pleased to announce the completion of the final draft California
Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) Blueprint and the opening of the
final public comment period. The Blueprint is the combined effort of the
California Department of Education (CDE), California Department of
Rehabilitation (DOR), and California Department of Developmental Services
(DDS) in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders including Disability
Rights California (DRC) with leadership provided by the California Health
and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) to develop a proactive interagency plan to
increase opportunities for individuals with intellectual disabilities and
developmental disabilities (ID/DD) to prepare for and engage in CIE and
reduce reliance upon subminimum wage jobs and segregated work settings. 


The CDE, DOR, and DDS entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to
further advance the State's "Employment First" Policy and other federal and
state laws to address employment in integrated settings, at competitive
wages, for individuals with ID/DD. This was to be done through the
development of a Blueprint.


In February 2015 the three departments formed a CIE Interagency Workgroup to
begin development of a blueprint. The Blueprint is the plan for the
departments to use to identify changes in policies, practices, or
regulations that support the achievement of CIE outcomes for individuals
with ID/DD over a five-year period. A Steering Committee provided oversight
to the workgroup to help guide the development of the Blueprint. The
Steering Committee includes Director's and other Executive staff from the


The goals of the Blueprint are:

1.   Improve collaboration and coordination between the three departments to
prepare and support all individuals with ID/DD who choose CIE.

2.   Increase opportunities for individuals with ID/DD who choose CIE to
prepare for and participate in the California workforce development system
and achieve CIE within existing resources.

3.   Support the ability of individuals with ID/DD to make informed choices,
adequately prepare for, transition to, and engage in CIE.


The Blueprint identifies Objectives, Targeted Outcomes, Strategies, and
Actions to achieve each goal. 


To gather stakeholder feedback on the Blueprint, the Interagency Workgroup
has conducted three facilitated teleconferences with stakeholders including
consumers, families and advocates, community partners, employers, Local
Educational Agency's, regional centers, providers, and business partners.
Input has also been received in writing via the California CIE inbox,
CaliforniaCIE at dor.ca.gov <mailto:CaliforniaCIE at dor.ca.gov> .


To view the final draft Blueprint, please visit the California Health and
Human Services Agency webpage at  <http://www.chhs.ca.gov> www.chhs.ca.gov
and select the tab at the top titled "
CIE". The Blueprint is available in the following seven languages:

*        English

*        Spanish

*        Chinese (Traditional)

*        Tagalog

*        Armenian

*        Russian

*        Vietnamese


The public comment period will close on December 30, 2016.


In addition to the posting of the Blueprint for written comment, a public
teleconference will be held on December 13, 2016. The purpose of both the
written comment and public teleconference is to provide stakeholders with
the opportunity to provide recommendations and feedback on any items in the
Blueprint that may need to be modified or that may be missing. Stakeholder
input is important as we move forward to the finalization of the California
CIE Blueprint. 


The draft Blueprint will be presented at upcoming forums including but not
limited to the State Rehabilitation Council, the California Transition
Alliance Bridge to the Future III Institute, the CDE Special Education
Division meeting, and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities
Council meeting. 


Contact us at  <mailto:CaliforniaCIE at dor.ca.gov> CaliforniaCIE at dor.ca.gov to
submit written comments or if you have any questions.


As in the past, we look forward to receiving your input.


Thank you.


Nancy Bargmann, Director, DDS

Kristen Wright, Director, Special Education Division, CDE

Joe Xavier, Director, DOR





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